Interface SessionTimeoutHandler

@SupportedAll public interface SessionTimeoutHandler
Implementation of this class gets executed every time when an SSO Session times out (either idle or max timeout). A new instance of the timeout handler is created upon session timeout. The listed methods are called just before the session gets removed, so it is safe to use the passed in SSOToken instances. Because of this behavior it is encouraged that implementations don't run lengthy operations.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Executed on idle timeout
    Executed on max timeout
  • Method Details

    • onIdleTimeout

      void onIdleTimeout(SSOToken token)
      Executed on idle timeout
      token - The SSOToken instance for the timed out session
    • onMaxTimeout

      void onMaxTimeout(SSOToken token)
      Executed on max timeout
      token - The SSOToken instance for the timed out session