Class SecretsApiBearerTokenCredentials

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SecretsApiBearerTokenCredentials extends
Provides Google SDK credentials from the secrets API. This can be used with the SignedJwtSecretStore (in the secrets-backend-jwt module) to produce service account credentials on-the-fly:

 SecretsProvider secretsProvider = new SecretsProvider(clock);
 // Configure a secret store to load the private key
 Purpose<SigningKey> signingPurpose = purpose("gcp.request.signing", SigningKey.class);
 SecretReference<SigningKey> serviceAccountSigningKey = new SecretReference<>(secretsProvider, signingPurpose, clock);
 String saEmail = "..."; // From service account config

 SignedJwtSecretStore jwtStore = new SignedJwtSecretStore(serviceAccountSigningKey, JwsAlgorithm.RS256, clock,
     claims -> claims.iss(saEmail).sub(saEmail).aud(""));

 Purpose<GenericSecret> kmsAccessToken = purpose("gcp.kms.access_token", GenericSecret.class);
 secretsProvider.setActiveStore(jwtStore, kmsAccessToken);
 SecretReference<GenericSecret> kmsAccessTokenRef = new SecretReference<>(secretsProvider, kmsAccessToken, clock);
 return new SecretsApiBearerTokenCredentials(kmsAccessTokenRef);
The advantage of using the Secrets API over the built-in GCP credentials is that the Secrets API would allow the private key to be rotated.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SecretsApiBearerTokenCredentials

      public SecretsApiBearerTokenCredentials(Function<URI,SecretReference<GenericSecret>> bearerTokenLookup)
      Initialises the credentials with the given mapping from URIs to bearer token references.
      bearerTokenLookup - the function to map URIs to bearer token references.
    • SecretsApiBearerTokenCredentials

      public SecretsApiBearerTokenCredentials(SecretReference<GenericSecret> bearerToken)
      Initialises the credentials with a single bearer token to use for all URIs.
      bearerToken - the bearer token reference to use for all URIs.
  • Method Details

    • getAuthenticationType

      public String getAuthenticationType()
      Specified by:
      getAuthenticationType in class
    • getRequestMetadata

      public Map<String,List<String>> getRequestMetadata(URI uri)
      Specified by:
      getRequestMetadata in class
    • hasRequestMetadata

      public boolean hasRequestMetadata()
      Specified by:
      hasRequestMetadata in class
    • hasRequestMetadataOnly

      public boolean hasRequestMetadataOnly()
      Specified by:
      hasRequestMetadataOnly in class
    • refresh

      public void refresh()
      Specified by:
      refresh in class