
Configuring database services using the administrative console


  1. In the administrative console, go to Configuration > Policy Decision Service.

  2. In the Policy Information Provider: Database Pools Configuration section, configure the following database pool properties:

    Property Description

    Database Pools Read Only

    Specifies whether the database pools are read-only. Some database types do not support the read-only mode. If the database type does not support the read-only mode, the database pools will be read-write regardless of the value of this property.

    Database Pools Max Pool Size

    Specifies the maximum number of connections in a database pool.

    Database Pools Connection Timeout Seconds

    Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a connection request waits for an available connection in the database pool.

    Database Pool Validation Timeout Seconds

    Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a database pool tests a connection for aliveness.

    Database Pool Max Lifetime Seconds

    Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a connection stays in the database pool. The database pool will only remove a connection if the maximum lifetime elapses and the connection is no longer active.

    Setting this property to any value between 0 and 30 has no effect.

    Setting this property to 0 makes the maximum lifetime indefinite.

    Screen capture of the Policy Information Provider: Database Pools Configuration section in the administrative console
  3. To add a database driver other than PostgreSQL or Oracle, go to the Policy Information Provider allowed Database Drivers section and click New Policy Information Provider Allowed Database Driver.

  4. In the Name field, enter the name of the database driver in the format .driver.

  5. In the Driver Class Name field, enter the fully qualified Java class name of the database driver.

    Screen capture of the New Policy Information Provider Allowed Database Driver wizard with sample values in the Name and Driver Class Name fields