Interface ConfigurationFramework.InitParameters

    • Method Detail

      • installPath

        default Path installPath()
        Returns the path where application binaries are located.
        a string representing the path where application binaries are located
      • instancePath

        default Path instancePath()
        Returns the path where data binaries are located.
        a string representing the path where data binaries are located
      • version

        default com.forgerock.opendj.util.Version version()
        Returns the running binaries version.
        the running binaries version
      • isClient

        default boolean isClient()
        Returns whether the associated configuration framework is being used within a client application.
        true if the associated configuration framework is being used within a client application, false if used within a server application
        See Also:
      • initParameters

        static ConfigurationFramework.InitParameters initParameters​(Path installPath,
                                                                    Path instancePath,
                                                                    boolean isClient)
        Creates initialization parameters for the configuration framework using the provided parameters.
        installPath - the installation path to use
        instancePath - the instance path to use
        isClient - whether the associated configuration framework will be used within a client application.
        the new initialization parameters