Interface PropertyProvider

    • Method Detail

      • getPropertyValues

        <T> Collection<ValueOrExpression<T>> getPropertyValues​(PropertyDefinition<T> d)
        Get the property values associated with the specified property definition.

        Implementations are not required to validate the values that they provide. Specifically:

        • they do not need to guarantee that the provided values are valid according to the property's syntax
        • they do not need to provide values for mandatory properties
        • they do not need to ensure that single-valued properties do contain at most one value.
        The returned set of values is allowed to contain duplicates.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The underlying type of the property.
        d - The Property definition.
        Returns a newly allocated set containing a copy of the property's values. An empty set indicates that the property has no values defined and any default behavior is applicable.
        IllegalArgumentException - If this property provider does not recognise the requested property definition.