Class DefaultManagedObject<C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends Configuration>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - The type of client default managed object configuration.
    S - The type of server default managed object configuration.
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class DefaultManagedObject<C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends Configuration>
    extends Object
    implements PropertyProvider
    A default managed object which should be created when a parent managed object is created. Default managed objects are associated with a RelationDefinition.
    • Method Detail

      • getManagedObjectDefinition

        public ManagedObjectDefinition<C,​S> getManagedObjectDefinition()
        Gets the managed object definition associated with this default managed object.
        Returns the managed object definition associated with this default managed object.
      • getPropertyValues

        public <T> SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<T>> getPropertyValues​(PropertyDefinition<T> pd)
        Gets a mutable copy of the set of property values for the specified property.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyValues in interface PropertyProvider
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the property to be retrieved.
        pd - The property to be retrieved.
        Returns a newly allocated set containing a copy of the property's values. An empty set indicates that the property has no values defined and any default behavior is applicable.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the property definition is not associated with this managed object's definition.