Class RequestHandle

    • Method Detail

      • abandon

        public Completable abandon()
        Returns a Completable which, once subscribed, will attempt to abandon the operation.

        Abandon requests do not have a response.

        Note: a more convenient approach for abandoning unfinished operations is provided via the cancel() method.

        A Completable which, once subscribed, will attempt to abandon the operation.
      • cancel

        public Single<Result> cancel()
        Returns a Single<Result> which, once subscribed, will attempt to cancel the operation.
        a Single<Result> which, once subscribed, will attempt to cancel the operation.
      • getMessageId

        public int getMessageId()
        Returns the message ID used to send the request.

        Note that the message ID is only available once the request has been sent which happens once the response Flowable returned by LdapClientSocket.send() has been subscribed to. Trying to get the message ID of a request which has not been sent will returns -1.

        Because a ldap client socket can be virtual (e.g: load balancers), a message ID is not always available. Indeed in some situation a single request handle could actually represent different requests sent to potentially different server. This is refered as a virtual request handle. In this case, the returned message ID will always be -1.

        The message ID used to send the request, or -1 if the request has not been sent or if this request handle is virtual.