Interface ControlDecoder<C extends Control>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - The type of control decoded by this control decoder.

    public interface ControlDecoder<C extends Control>
    A factory interface for decoding a control as a control of specific type.
    • Method Detail

      • decodeControl

        C decodeControl​(Control control,
                        DecodeOptions options)
                 throws DecodeException
        Decodes the provided control as a Control of type C.
        control - The control to be decoded.
        options - The set of decode options which should be used when decoding the control.
        The decoded control.
        DecodeException - If the control contained the wrong OID, it did not have a value, or if its value could not be decoded.
      • decodeControl

        default C decodeControl​(Control control)
                         throws DecodeException
        Decodes the provided control as a Control of type C using the default decode options.
        control - The control to be decoded.
        The decoded control.
        DecodeException - If the control contained the wrong OID, it did not have a value, or if its value could not be decoded.
      • getOid

        String getOid()
        Returns the numeric OID associated with this control decoder.
        The numeric OID associated with this control decoder.