Class EntryGenerator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, EntryReader

    public final class EntryGenerator
    extends Object
    implements EntryReader
    A template driven entry generator, as used by the makeldif tool.

    To build a generator with default values, including default template file, use the empty constructor:

     generator = new EntryGenerator();

    To build a generator with some custom values, use the non-empty constructor and the set methods:

     generator = new EntryGenerator(templatePath).setResourcePath(path).setSchema(schema)
    • Constructor Detail

      • EntryGenerator

        public EntryGenerator()
        Creates a generator using default values.

        The default template file will be used to generate entries.

      • EntryGenerator

        public EntryGenerator​(String templatePath)
        Creates a generator from the provided template path.
        templatePath - Path of the template file.
      • EntryGenerator

        public EntryGenerator​(String... templateLines)
        Creates a generator from the provided template lines.
        templateLines - Lines defining the template file.
      • EntryGenerator

        public EntryGenerator​(List<String> templateLines)
        Creates a generator from the provided template lines.
        templateLines - Lines defining the template file.
      • EntryGenerator

        public EntryGenerator​(InputStream templateStream)
        Creates a generator from the provided input stream.
        templateStream - Input stream to read the template file.
    • Method Detail

      • setRandomSeed

        public EntryGenerator setRandomSeed​(int seed)
        Sets the random seed to use when generating entries.
        seed - The random seed to use.
        A reference to this EntryGenerator.
      • setResourcePath

        public EntryGenerator setResourcePath​(Path path)
        Sets the resource path, used to looks for resources files like first names, last names, or other custom resources.
        path - The resource path.
        A reference to this EntryGenerator.
      • setResourcePath

        public EntryGenerator setResourcePath​(String path)
        Sets the resource path, used to looks for resources files like first names, last names, or other custom resources.
        path - The resource path.
        A reference to this EntryGenerator.
      • setSchema

        public EntryGenerator setSchema​(Schema schema)
        Sets the schema which should be when generating entries. The default schema is used if no other is specified.
        schema - The schema which should be used for generating entries.
        A reference to this EntryGenerator.
      • setConstant

        public EntryGenerator setConstant​(String name,
                                          Object value)
        Sets a constant to use in template file. It overrides the constant set in the template file.
        name - The name of the constant.
        value - The value of the constant.
        A reference to this EntryGenerator.
      • setGenerateBranches

        public EntryGenerator setGenerateBranches​(boolean generateBranches)
        Sets the flag which indicates whether branch entries should be generated. The default is true.
        generateBranches - Indicates whether the branches DN entries has to be generated.
        A reference to this EntryGenerator.
      • hasWarnings

        public boolean hasWarnings()
        Checks if there are some warning(s) after parsing the template file.

        Warnings are available only after the first call to hasNext() or readEntry() methods.

        true if there is at least one warning.
      • getWarnings

        public List<LocalizableMessage> getWarnings()
        Returns the warnings generated by the parsing of template file.

        Warnings are available only after the first call to hasNext() or readEntry() methods.

        The list of warnings, which is empty if there are no warnings.
      • hasNext

        public boolean hasNext()
                        throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: EntryReader
        Returns true if this reader contains another entry, blocking if necessary until either the next entry is available or the end of the stream is reached.
        Specified by:
        hasNext in interface EntryReader
        true if this reader contains another entry.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
      • readEntry

        public Entry readEntry()
                        throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: EntryReader
        Reads the next entry, blocking if necessary until an entry is available.
        Specified by:
        readEntry in interface EntryReader
        The next entry.
        IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred while reading the entry.