Class JsonPropertyMapper

  • public final class JsonPropertyMapper
    extends PropertyMapper
    A property mapper which provides a mapping from a JSON value to an LDAP attribute having the JSON syntax.
    • Method Detail

      • useServerSideSort

        public JsonPropertyMapper useServerSideSort​(boolean useServerSideSort)
        Specifies whether a sort directive involving this property mapper should be forwarded to the LDAP server or if it should be performed locally by this Rest2Ldap server.

        You want to set this setting to false if the LDAP server does not support the extensible matching rule concept.

        useServerSideSort - true if the sort directive should be forwarded to the LDAP server, false if the sort operation must be performed locally.
        This property mapper.
        See Also:
      • defaultJsonValue

        public JsonPropertyMapper defaultJsonValue​(Object defaultValue)
        Sets the default JSON value which should be substituted when the LDAP attribute is not found in the LDAP entry.
        defaultValue - The default JSON value.
        This property mapper.
      • defaultJsonValues

        public JsonPropertyMapper defaultJsonValues​(Collection<?> defaultValues)
        Sets the default JSON values which should be substituted when the LDAP attribute is not found in the LDAP entry.
        defaultValues - The default JSON values.
        This property mapper.
      • jsonSchema

        public JsonPropertyMapper jsonSchema​(JsonValue jsonSchema)
        Sets the JSON schema corresponding to this simple property mapper. If not null, it will be returned by toJsonSchema(), otherwise a default JSON schema will be automatically generated with the information available in this property mapper.
        jsonSchema - the JSON schema corresponding to this simple property mapper. Can be null
        This property mapper.
      • isRequired

        public final T isRequired​(boolean isRequired)
        Indicates that the LDAP attribute is mandatory and must be provided during create requests.
        isRequired - true if this property is required.
        This property mapper.
      • isMultiValued

        public final T isMultiValued​(boolean isMultiValued)
        Indicates that the LDAP attribute is multi-valued and should be represented in JSON using an array of values.
        isMultiValued - true if this property is multi-valued.
        This property mapper.
      • writability

        public final T writability​(WritabilityPolicy policy)
        Indicates whether the LDAP attribute supports updates. The default is WritabilityPolicy.READ_WRITE.
        policy - The writability policy.
        This property mapper.
      • putWritabilityProperties

        public static void putWritabilityProperties​(WritabilityPolicy writabilityPolicy,
                                                    JsonValue jsonSchema)