Class SimplePropertyMapper

  • public final class SimplePropertyMapper
    extends PropertyMapper
    An property mapper which provides a simple mapping from a JSON value to a single LDAP attribute.
    • Method Detail

      • decoder

        public SimplePropertyMapper decoder​(Function<ByteString,​?,​? extends Exception> f)
        Sets the decoder which will be used for converting LDAP attribute values to JSON values.
        f - The function to use for decoding LDAP attribute values.
        This property mapper.
      • defaultJsonValue

        public SimplePropertyMapper defaultJsonValue​(Object defaultValue)
        Sets the default JSON value which should be substituted when the LDAP attribute is not found in the LDAP entry.
        defaultValue - The default JSON value.
        This property mapper.
      • defaultJsonValues

        public SimplePropertyMapper defaultJsonValues​(Collection<?> defaultValues)
        Sets the default JSON values which should be substituted when the LDAP attribute is not found in the LDAP entry.
        defaultValues - The default JSON values.
        This property mapper.
      • encoder

        public SimplePropertyMapper encoder​(Function<Object,​ByteString,​? extends Exception> f)
        Sets the encoder which will be used for converting JSON values to LDAP attribute values.
        f - The function to use for encoding LDAP attribute values.
        This property mapper.
      • isBinary

        public SimplePropertyMapper isBinary​(boolean isBinary)
        Indicates that JSON values are base 64 encodings of binary data. Calling this method with the value true is equivalent to the following:
         mapper.decoder(...); // function that converts binary data to base 64
         mapper.encoder(...); // function that converts base 64 to binary data
        Passing in a value of false resets the encoding and decoding functions to the default.
        isBinary - true if this property is binary.
        This property mapper.
      • jsonSchema

        public SimplePropertyMapper jsonSchema​(JsonValue jsonSchema)
        Sets the JSON schema corresponding to this simple property mapper. If not null, it will be returned by toJsonSchema(), otherwise a default JSON schema will be automatically generated with the information available in this property mapper.
        jsonSchema - the JSON schema corresponding to this simple property mapper. Can be null
        This property mapper.
      • isRequired

        public final T isRequired​(boolean isRequired)
        Indicates that the LDAP attribute is mandatory and must be provided during create requests.
        isRequired - true if this property is required.
        This property mapper.
      • isMultiValued

        public final T isMultiValued​(boolean isMultiValued)
        Indicates that the LDAP attribute is multi-valued and should be represented in JSON using an array of values.
        isMultiValued - true if this property is multi-valued.
        This property mapper.
      • writability

        public final T writability​(WritabilityPolicy policy)
        Indicates whether the LDAP attribute supports updates. The default is WritabilityPolicy.READ_WRITE.
        policy - The writability policy.
        This property mapper.
      • putWritabilityProperties

        public static void putWritabilityProperties​(WritabilityPolicy writabilityPolicy,
                                                    JsonValue jsonSchema)