Interface CertificateMapperCfgClient

    • Method Detail

      • getIssuerAttribute

        ValueOrExpression<AttributeType> getIssuerAttribute()
        Gets the "issuer-attribute" property.

        Specifies the name or OID of the attribute whose value should exactly match the certificate issuer DN.

        Certificate issuer verification should be enabled whenever multiple CAs are trusted in order to prevent impersonation. In particular, it is possible for different CAs to issue certificates having the same subject DN.

        Returns the value of the "issuer-attribute" property.
      • setIssuerAttribute

        void setIssuerAttribute​(ValueOrExpression<AttributeType> value)
                         throws PropertyException
        Sets the "issuer-attribute" property.

        Specifies the name or OID of the attribute whose value should exactly match the certificate issuer DN.

        Certificate issuer verification should be enabled whenever multiple CAs are trusted in order to prevent impersonation. In particular, it is possible for different CAs to issue certificates having the same subject DN.

        value - The value of the "issuer-attribute" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getJavaClass

        ValueOrExpression<String> getJavaClass()
        Gets the "java-class" property.

        Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Certificate Mapper implementation.

        Returns the value of the "java-class" property.