Interface GssapiSaslMechanismHandlerCfgClient

    • Method Detail

      • getIdentityMapper

        SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getIdentityMapper()
        Gets the "identity-mapper" property.

        Specifies the name(s) of the identity mapper(s) that are to be used with this SASL mechanism handler to match the Kerberos principal included in the SASL bind request to the corresponding user in the directory.

        Returns the values of the "identity-mapper" property.
      • setIdentityMapper

        void setIdentityMapper​(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values)
                        throws PropertyException
        Sets the "identity-mapper" property.

        Specifies the name(s) of the identity mapper(s) that are to be used with this SASL mechanism handler to match the Kerberos principal included in the SASL bind request to the corresponding user in the directory.

        values - The values of the "identity-mapper" property.
        PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
      • getJavaClass

        ValueOrExpression<String> getJavaClass()
        Gets the "java-class" property.

        Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the SASL mechanism handler implementation.

        Default value: org.opends.server.extensions.GSSAPISASLMechanismHandler

        Specified by:
        getJavaClass in interface SaslMechanismHandlerCfgClient
        Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
      • getKdcAddress

        ValueOrExpression<String> getKdcAddress()
        Gets the "kdc-address" property.

        Specifies the address of the KDC that is to be used for Kerberos processing.

        If provided, this property must be a fully-qualified DNS-resolvable name. If this property is not provided, then the server attempts to determine it from the system-wide Kerberos configuration.

        Returns the value of the "kdc-address" property.
      • setKdcAddress

        void setKdcAddress​(ValueOrExpression<String> value)
                    throws PropertyException
        Sets the "kdc-address" property.

        Specifies the address of the KDC that is to be used for Kerberos processing.

        If provided, this property must be a fully-qualified DNS-resolvable name. If this property is not provided, then the server attempts to determine it from the system-wide Kerberos configuration.

        value - The value of the "kdc-address" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getKeytab

        ValueOrExpression<String> getKeytab()
        Gets the "keytab" property.

        Specifies the path to the keytab file that should be used for Kerberos processing.

        If provided, this is either an absolute path or one that is relative to the server instance root.

        Returns the value of the "keytab" property.
      • setKeytab

        void setKeytab​(ValueOrExpression<String> value)
                throws PropertyException
        Sets the "keytab" property.

        Specifies the path to the keytab file that should be used for Kerberos processing.

        If provided, this is either an absolute path or one that is relative to the server instance root.

        value - The value of the "keytab" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getPrincipalName

        ValueOrExpression<String> getPrincipalName()
        Gets the "principal-name" property.

        Specifies the principal name.

        It can either be a simple user name or a service name such as host/ If this property is not provided, then the server attempts to build the principal name by appending the fully qualified domain name to the string "ldap/".

        Returns the value of the "principal-name" property.
      • setPrincipalName

        void setPrincipalName​(ValueOrExpression<String> value)
                       throws PropertyException
        Sets the "principal-name" property.

        Specifies the principal name.

        It can either be a simple user name or a service name such as host/ If this property is not provided, then the server attempts to build the principal name by appending the fully qualified domain name to the string "ldap/".

        value - The value of the "principal-name" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getRealm

        ValueOrExpression<String> getRealm()
        Gets the "realm" property.

        Specifies the realm to be used for GSSAPI authentication.

        Returns the value of the "realm" property.
      • getServerFqdn

        ValueOrExpression<String> getServerFqdn()
        Gets the "server-fqdn" property.

        Specifies the DNS-resolvable fully-qualified domain name for the system.

        Returns the value of the "server-fqdn" property.
      • setServerFqdn

        void setServerFqdn​(ValueOrExpression<String> value)
                    throws PropertyException
        Sets the "server-fqdn" property.

        Specifies the DNS-resolvable fully-qualified domain name for the system.

        value - The value of the "server-fqdn" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.