AccessControlHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Access Control Handler managed object
definition meta information.
AccessLogFilteringCriteriaCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Access Log Filtering Criteria managed
object definition meta information.
AccessLogFilteringCriteriaCfgDefn.LogRecordType |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "log-record-type" property.
AccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Access Log Publisher managed object
definition meta information.
AccessLogPublisherCfgDefn.FilteringPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "filtering-policy" property.
AccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Account Status Notification Handler
managed object definition meta information.
AdminDataTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the cn=admin data Trust Manager Provider
managed object definition meta information.
AdminEndpointCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Admin Endpoint managed object
definition meta information.
AdministrationConnectorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Administration Connector managed
object definition meta information.
AesPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the AES Password Storage Scheme managed
object definition meta information.
AlertHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Alert Handler managed object
definition meta information.
AliveEndpointCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Alive HTTP endpoint managed object
definition meta information.
AnonymousSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Anonymous SASL Mechanism Handler
managed object definition meta information.
Argon2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Argon2 Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
Argon2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.Argon2Variant |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "argon2-variant" property.
Argon2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.RehashPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "rehash-policy" property.
AttributeCleanupPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Attribute Cleanup Plugin managed
object definition meta information.
AttributeValuePasswordValidatorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Attribute Value Password Validator
managed object definition meta information.
AuthenticationPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Authentication Policy managed object
definition meta information.
BackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Backend managed object definition
meta information.
BackendIndexCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Backend Index managed object
definition meta information.
BackendIndexCfgDefn.IndexType |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "index-type" property.
BackendVlvIndexCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Backend VLV Index managed object
definition meta information.
BackendVlvIndexCfgDefn.Scope |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "scope" property.
Base64PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Base64 Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
BcryptPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Bcrypt Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
BcryptPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.RehashPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "rehash-policy" property.
BlindTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Blind Trust Manager Provider managed
object definition meta information.
BlowfishPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Blowfish Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
CancelExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Cancel Extended Operation Handler
managed object definition meta information.
CertificateMapperCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Certificate Mapper managed object
definition meta information.
ChangeNumberControlPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Change Number Control Plugin managed
object definition meta information.
CharacterSetPasswordValidatorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Character Set Password Validator
managed object definition meta information.
ClearPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Clear Password Storage Scheme managed
object definition meta information.
CollectiveAttributeSubentriesVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Collective Attribute Subentries
Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.
CommonAuditAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Common Audit Access Log Publisher
managed object definition meta information.
ConnectionHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Connection Handler managed object
definition meta information.
ConsoleErrorLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Console Error Log Publisher managed
object definition meta information.
CoreSchemaCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Core Schema managed object definition
meta information.
CoreSchemaCfgDefn.JsonValidationPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "json-validation-policy" property.
CramMd5SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the CRAM-MD5 SASL Mechanism Handler
managed object definition meta information.
CrestMetricsEndpointCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Common REST Metrics HTTP Endpoint
managed object definition meta information.
CryptoManagerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Crypto Manager managed object
definition meta information.
CryptoManagerCfgDefn.KeyWrappingMode |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "key-wrapping-mode" property.
CryptPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Crypt Password Storage Scheme managed
object definition meta information.
CryptPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.CryptPasswordStorageEncryptionAlgorithm |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "crypt-password-storage-encryption-algorithm" property.
CsvFileAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the CSV File Access Log Publisher managed
object definition meta information.
CsvFileHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the CSV File HTTP Access Log Publisher
managed object definition meta information.
DebugLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Debug Log Publisher managed object
definition meta information.
DebugTargetCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Debug Target managed object
definition meta information.
DictionaryPasswordValidatorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Dictionary Password Validator managed
object definition meta information.
DigestMd5SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism Handler
managed object definition meta information.
DigestMd5SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn.QualityOfProtection |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "quality-of-protection" property.
DseeCompatAccessControlHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the DSEE Compatible Access Control
Handler managed object definition meta information.
EntityTagPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the ETag Plugin managed object definition
meta information.
EntityTagVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Entity Tag Virtual Attribute managed
object definition meta information.
EntityTagVirtualAttributeCfgDefn.ChecksumAlgorithm |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "checksum-algorithm" property.
EntryCacheCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Entry Cache managed object definition
meta information.
EntryDnVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the entryDN Virtual Attribute managed
object definition meta information.
EntryUuidPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the entryUUID Plugin managed object
definition meta information.
EntryUuidVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the entryUUID Virtual Attribute managed
object definition meta information.
ErrorLogAccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Error Log Account Status Notification
Handler managed object definition meta information.
ErrorLogAccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgDefn.AccountStatusNotificationType |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "account-status-notification-type" property.
ErrorLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Error Log Publisher managed object
definition meta information.
ErrorLogPublisherCfgDefn.DefaultSeverity |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "default-severity" property.
ExactMatchIdentityMapperCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Exact Match Identity Mapper managed
object definition meta information.
ExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Extended Operation Handler managed
object definition meta information.
ExternalAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the External Access Log Publisher managed
object definition meta information.
ExternalHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the External HTTP Access Log Publisher
managed object definition meta information.
ExternalSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the External SASL Mechanism Handler
managed object definition meta information.
ExternalSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn.CertificateValidationPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "certificate-validation-policy" property.
FifoEntryCacheCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the FIFO Entry Cache managed object
definition meta information.
FileBasedAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the File Based Access Log Publisher
managed object definition meta information.
FileBasedAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn.LogFormat |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "log-format" property.
FileBasedAuditLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the File Based Audit Log Publisher
managed object definition meta information.
FileBasedDebugLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the File Based Debug Log Publisher
managed object definition meta information.
FileBasedErrorLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the File Based Error Log Publisher
managed object definition meta information.
FileBasedHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher
managed object definition meta information.
FileBasedKeyManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the File Based Key Manager Provider
managed object definition meta information.
FileBasedTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the File Based Trust Manager Provider
managed object definition meta information.
FileCountLogRetentionPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the File Count Log Retention Policy
managed object definition meta information.
FingerprintCertificateMapperCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Fingerprint Certificate Mapper
managed object definition meta information.
FingerprintCertificateMapperCfgDefn.FingerprintAlgorithm |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "fingerprint-algorithm" property.
FixedTimeLogRotationPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Fixed Time Log Rotation Policy
managed object definition meta information.
FractionalLdifImportPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Fractional LDIF Import Plugin managed
object definition meta information.
FreeDiskSpaceLogRetentionPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Free Disk Space Log Retention Policy
managed object definition meta information.
GetConnectionIdExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Get Connection ID Extended Operation
Handler managed object definition meta information.
GetSymmetricKeyExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Get Symmetric Key Extended Operation
Handler managed object definition meta information.
GlobalAccessControlPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Global Access Control Policy managed
object definition meta information.
GlobalAccessControlPolicyCfgDefn.Permission |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "permission" property.
GlobalCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Global Configuration managed object
definition meta information.
GlobalCfgDefn.DisabledPrivilege |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "disabled-privilege" property.
GlobalCfgDefn.EtimeResolution |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "etime-resolution" property.
GlobalCfgDefn.InvalidAttributeSyntaxBehavior |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "invalid-attribute-syntax-behavior" property.
GlobalCfgDefn.SingleStructuralObjectclassBehavior |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "single-structural-objectclass-behavior" property.
GlobalCfgDefn.UnauthenticatedRequestsPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "unauthenticated-requests-policy" property.
GlobalCfgDefn.WritabilityMode |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "writability-mode" property.
GoverningStructureRuleVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Governing Structure Rule Virtual
Attribute managed object definition meta information.
GraphiteMonitorReporterPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Graphite Monitor Reporter Plugin
managed object definition meta information.
GssapiSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the GSSAPI SASL Mechanism Handler managed
object definition meta information.
GssapiSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn.QualityOfProtection |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "quality-of-protection" property.
HasSubordinatesVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Has Subordinates Virtual Attribute
managed object definition meta information.
HealthyEndpointCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Healthy HTTP endpoint managed object
definition meta information.
HttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP Access Log Publisher managed
object definition meta information.
HttpAnonymousAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP Anonymous Authorization
Mechanism managed object definition meta information.
HttpAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP Authorization Mechanism managed
object definition meta information.
HttpBasicAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP Basic Authorization Mechanism
managed object definition meta information.
HttpConnectionHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP Connection Handler managed
object definition meta information.
HttpConnectionHandlerCfgDefn.SslClientAuthPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "ssl-client-auth-policy" property.
HttpEndpointCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP Endpoint managed object
definition meta information.
HttpOauth2AuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 Authorization Mechanism
managed object definition meta information.
HttpOauth2CtsAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 CTS Authorization
Mechanism managed object definition meta information.
HttpOauth2FileAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 File Based Authorization
Mechanism managed object definition meta information.
HttpOauth2OpenamAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 OpenAM Authorization
Mechanism managed object definition meta information.
HttpOauth2TokenIntrospectionAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 Token Introspection (RFC
7662) Authorization Mechanism managed object definition meta
IdentityMapperCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Identity Mapper managed object
definition meta information.
IsMemberOfVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Is Member Of Virtual Attribute
managed object definition meta information.
JeBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the JE Backend managed object definition
meta information.
JeBackendCfgDefn.DbCacheMode |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "db-cache-mode" property.
JeBackendCfgDefn.DbDurability |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "db-durability" property.
JmxAlertHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the JMX Alert Handler managed object
definition meta information.
JmxConnectionHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the JMX Connection Handler managed object
definition meta information.
JsonEqualityMatchingRuleCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the JSON Equality Matching Rule managed
object definition meta information.
JsonFileAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher
managed object definition meta information.
JsonFileHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log
Publisher managed object definition meta information.
JsonOrderingMatchingRuleCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the JSON Ordering Matching Rule managed
object definition meta information.
JsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the JSON Query Equality Matching Rule
managed object definition meta information.
KeyManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Key Manager Provider managed object
definition meta information.
LastModPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Last Mod Plugin managed object
definition meta information.
LdapAttributeDescriptionListPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the LDAP Attribute Description List
Plugin managed object definition meta information.
LdapConnectionHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the LDAP Connection Handler managed
object definition meta information.
LdapConnectionHandlerCfgDefn.SslClientAuthPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "ssl-client-auth-policy" property.
LdapKeyManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the LDAP Key Manager Provider managed
object definition meta information.
LdapPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the LDAP Pass Through Authentication
Policy managed object definition meta information.
LdapPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfgDefn.MappingPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "mapping-policy" property.
LdapTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the LDAP Trust Manager Provider managed
object definition meta information.
LdifBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the LDIF Backend managed object
definition meta information.
LdifConnectionHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the LDIF Connection Handler managed
object definition meta information.
LengthBasedPasswordValidatorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Length Based Password Validator
managed object definition meta information.
LocalBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Local Backend managed object
definition meta information.
LocalBackendCfgDefn.WritabilityMode |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "writability-mode" property.
LogPublisherCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Log Publisher managed object
definition meta information.
LogRetentionPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Log Retention Policy managed object
definition meta information.
LogRotationPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Log Rotation Policy managed object
definition meta information.
MailServerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Mail Server managed object definition
meta information.
Md5PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the MD5 Password Storage Scheme managed
object definition meta information.
MemberVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Member Virtual Attribute managed
object definition meta information.
MemoryBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Memory Backend managed object
definition meta information.
MonitorBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Monitor Backend managed object
definition meta information.
NullBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Null Backend managed object
definition meta information.
NumSubordinatesVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Num Subordinates Virtual Attribute
managed object definition meta information.
PasswordExpirationTimeVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Password Expiration Time Virtual
Attribute managed object definition meta information.
PasswordGeneratorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Password Generator managed object
definition meta information.
PasswordModifyExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Password Modify Extended Operation
Handler managed object definition meta information.
PasswordPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Password Policy managed object
definition meta information.
PasswordPolicyCfgDefn.StateUpdateFailurePolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "state-update-failure-policy" property.
PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Password Policy Import Plugin managed
object definition meta information.
PasswordPolicyStateExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Password Policy State Extended
Operation Handler managed object definition meta information.
PasswordPolicySubentryVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Password Policy Subentry Virtual
Attribute managed object definition meta information.
PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Password Storage Scheme managed
object definition meta information.
PasswordValidatorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Password Validator managed object
definition meta information.
Pbkdf2HmacSha256PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 Password Storage
Scheme managed object definition meta information.
Pbkdf2HmacSha512PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 Password Storage
Scheme managed object definition meta information.
Pbkdf2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the PBKDF2 Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
Pbkdf2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.RehashPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "rehash-policy" property.
PemKeyManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Pem Key Manager Provider managed
object definition meta information.
PemTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Pem Trust Manager Provider managed
object definition meta information.
Pkcs11KeyManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the PKCS#11 Key Manager Provider managed
object definition meta information.
Pkcs11TrustManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the PKCS#11 Trust Manager Provider
managed object definition meta information.
Pkcs5s2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the PKCS#5 V2.0 Scheme 2 Password Storage
Scheme managed object definition meta information.
PlainSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Plain SASL Mechanism Handler managed
object definition meta information.
PluggableBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Pluggable Backend managed object
definition meta information.
PluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Plugin managed object definition meta
PluginCfgDefn.PluginType |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "plugin-type" property.
PluginRootCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Plugin Root managed object definition
meta information.
PolicyBasedAccessControlHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Policy Based Access Control Handler
managed object definition meta information.
PrometheusEndpointCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Prometheus HTTP Endpoint managed
object definition meta information.
ProxyBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Proxy Backend managed object
definition meta information.
ProxyBackendCfgDefn.HashFunction |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "hash-function" property.
RandomPasswordGeneratorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Random Password Generator managed
object definition meta information.
Rc4PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the RC4 Password Storage Scheme managed
object definition meta information.
ReferentialIntegrityPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Referential Integrity Plugin managed
object definition meta information.
ReferentialIntegrityPluginCfgDefn.CheckReferencesScopeCriteria |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "check-references-scope-criteria" property.
RegularExpressionIdentityMapperCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Regular Expression Identity Mapper
managed object definition meta information.
RepeatedCharactersPasswordValidatorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Repeated Characters Password
Validator managed object definition meta information.
ReplicationDomainCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Replication Domain managed object
definition meta information.
ReplicationServerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Replication Server managed object
definition meta information.
ReplicationServerCfgDefn.AllowUpdatesPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "allow-updates-policy" property.
ReplicationServerCfgDefn.ChangelogEnabled |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "changelog-enabled" property.
ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Replication Service Discovery
Mechanism managed object definition meta information.
ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Replication Synchronization Provider
managed object definition meta information.
ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfgDefn.IsolationPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "isolation-policy" property.
Rest2ldapEndpointCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Rest2LDAP Endpoint managed object
definition meta information.
RootCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Root managed object definition meta
RootDseBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Root DSE Backend managed object
definition meta information.
SaltedMd5PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Salted MD5 Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
SaltedSha1PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Salted SHA-1 Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
SaltedSha256PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Salted SHA-256 Password Storage
Scheme managed object definition meta information.
SaltedSha384PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Salted SHA-384 Password Storage
Scheme managed object definition meta information.
SaltedSha512PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Salted SHA-512 Password Storage
Scheme managed object definition meta information.
SambaPasswordPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Samba Password Plugin managed object
definition meta information.
SambaPasswordPluginCfgDefn.PwdSyncPolicy |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "pwd-sync-policy" property.
SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the SASL Mechanism Handler managed object
definition meta information.
SchemaBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Schema Backend managed object
definition meta information.
SchemaProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Schema Provider managed object
definition meta information.
ScramSha256PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the SCRAM-SHA-256 Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
ScramSha256SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the SCRAM-SHA-256 SASL Mechanism Handler
managed object definition meta information.
ScramSha512PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the SCRAM-SHA-512 Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
ScramSha512SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the SCRAM-SHA-512 SASL Mechanism Handler
managed object definition meta information.
ServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Service Discovery Mechanism managed
object definition meta information.
SevenBitCleanPluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Seven Bit Clean Plugin managed object
definition meta information.
Sha1PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the SHA-1 Password Storage Scheme managed
object definition meta information.
SimilarityBasedPasswordValidatorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Similarity Based Password Validator
managed object definition meta information.
SizeLimitLogRetentionPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Size Limit Log Retention Policy
managed object definition meta information.
SizeLimitLogRotationPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Size Limit Log Rotation Policy
managed object definition meta information.
SmtpAccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the SMTP Account Status Notification
Handler managed object definition meta information.
SmtpAlertHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the SMTP Alert Handler managed object
definition meta information.
SnmpConnectionHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the SNMP Connection Handler managed
object definition meta information.
SnmpConnectionHandlerCfgDefn.SecurityLevel |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "security-level" property.
SoftReferenceEntryCacheCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Soft Reference Entry Cache managed
object definition meta information.
StartTlsExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the StartTLS Extended Operation Handler
managed object definition meta information.
StaticServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Static Service Discovery Mechanism
managed object definition meta information.
StructuralObjectClassVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Structural Object Class Virtual
Attribute managed object definition meta information.
SubjectAttributeToUserAttributeCertificateMapperCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Subject Attribute To User Attribute
Certificate Mapper managed object definition meta information.
SubjectDnToUserAttributeCertificateMapperCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Subject DN To User Attribute
Certificate Mapper managed object definition meta information.
SubjectEqualsDnCertificateMapperCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Subject Equals DN Certificate Mapper
managed object definition meta information.
SubschemaSubentryVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Subschema Subentry Virtual Attribute
managed object definition meta information.
SynchronizationProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Synchronization Provider managed
object definition meta information.
TaskBackendCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Task Backend managed object
definition meta information.
TimeLimitLogRotationPolicyCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Time Limit Log Rotation Policy
managed object definition meta information.
TraditionalWorkQueueCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Traditional Work Queue managed object
definition meta information.
TripleDesPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Triple-DES Password Storage Scheme
managed object definition meta information.
TrustManagerProviderCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Trust Manager Provider managed object
definition meta information.
UniqueAttributePluginCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Unique Attribute Plugin managed
object definition meta information.
UniqueCharactersPasswordValidatorCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Unique Characters Password Validator
managed object definition meta information.
UserDefinedVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the User Defined Virtual Attribute
managed object definition meta information.
UserTemplateVirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the User Template Virtual Attribute
managed object definition meta information.
VirtualAttributeCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Virtual Attribute managed object
definition meta information.
VirtualAttributeCfgDefn.ConflictBehavior |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "conflict-behavior" property.
VirtualAttributeCfgDefn.Scope |
Defines the set of permissible values for the "scope" property.
WhoAmIExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Who Am I Extended Operation Handler
managed object definition meta information.
WorkQueueCfgDefn |
An interface for querying the Work Queue managed object definition
meta information.