Package org.forgerock.opendj.server.config.meta
Provides introspection interfaces for the Core directory server
administrative components. This package provides access to
meta-information about the managed objects, their properties, their
relationships with other managed objects, and their inheritance
Class Summary Class Description AccessControlHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Access Control Handler managed object definition meta information.AccessLogFilteringCriteriaCfgDefn An interface for querying the Access Log Filtering Criteria managed object definition meta information.AccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.AccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Account Status Notification Handler managed object definition meta information.AdminDataTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the cn=admin data Trust Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.AdminEndpointCfgDefn An interface for querying the Admin Endpoint managed object definition meta information.AdministrationConnectorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Administration Connector managed object definition meta information.AesPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the AES Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.AlertHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Alert Handler managed object definition meta information.AliveEndpointCfgDefn An interface for querying the Alive HTTP endpoint managed object definition meta information.AnonymousSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Anonymous SASL Mechanism Handler managed object definition meta information.Argon2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Argon2 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.AttributeCleanupPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Attribute Cleanup Plugin managed object definition meta information.AttributeValuePasswordValidatorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Attribute Value Password Validator managed object definition meta information.AuthenticationPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Authentication Policy managed object definition meta information.BackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Backend managed object definition meta information.BackendIndexCfgDefn An interface for querying the Backend Index managed object definition meta information.BackendVlvIndexCfgDefn An interface for querying the Backend VLV Index managed object definition meta information.Base64PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Base64 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.BcryptPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Bcrypt Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.BlindTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the Blind Trust Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.BlowfishPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Blowfish Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.CancelExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Cancel Extended Operation Handler managed object definition meta information.CertificateMapperCfgDefn An interface for querying the Certificate Mapper managed object definition meta information.ChangeNumberControlPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Change Number Control Plugin managed object definition meta information.CharacterSetPasswordValidatorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Character Set Password Validator managed object definition meta information.ClearPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Clear Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.CollectiveAttributeSubentriesVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Collective Attribute Subentries Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.CommonAuditAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the Common Audit Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.ConnectionHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Connection Handler managed object definition meta information.ConsoleErrorLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the Console Error Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.CoreSchemaCfgDefn An interface for querying the Core Schema managed object definition meta information.CramMd5SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the CRAM-MD5 SASL Mechanism Handler managed object definition meta information.CrestMetricsEndpointCfgDefn An interface for querying the Common REST Metrics HTTP Endpoint managed object definition meta information.CryptoManagerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Crypto Manager managed object definition meta information.CryptPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Crypt Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.CsvFileAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the CSV File Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.CsvFileHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the CSV File HTTP Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.DebugLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the Debug Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.DebugTargetCfgDefn An interface for querying the Debug Target managed object definition meta information.DictionaryPasswordValidatorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Dictionary Password Validator managed object definition meta information.DigestMd5SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the DIGEST-MD5 SASL Mechanism Handler managed object definition meta information.DseeCompatAccessControlHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the DSEE Compatible Access Control Handler managed object definition meta information.EntityTagPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the ETag Plugin managed object definition meta information.EntityTagVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Entity Tag Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.EntryCacheCfgDefn An interface for querying the Entry Cache managed object definition meta information.EntryDnVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the entryDN Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.EntryUuidPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the entryUUID Plugin managed object definition meta information.EntryUuidVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the entryUUID Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.ErrorLogAccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Error Log Account Status Notification Handler managed object definition meta information.ErrorLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the Error Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.ExactMatchIdentityMapperCfgDefn An interface for querying the Exact Match Identity Mapper managed object definition meta information.ExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Extended Operation Handler managed object definition meta information.ExternalAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the External Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.ExternalHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the External HTTP Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.ExternalSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the External SASL Mechanism Handler managed object definition meta information.FifoEntryCacheCfgDefn An interface for querying the FIFO Entry Cache managed object definition meta information.FileBasedAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the File Based Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.FileBasedAuditLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the File Based Audit Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.FileBasedDebugLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the File Based Debug Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.FileBasedErrorLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the File Based Error Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.FileBasedHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.FileBasedKeyManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the File Based Key Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.FileBasedTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the File Based Trust Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.FileCountLogRetentionPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the File Count Log Retention Policy managed object definition meta information.FingerprintCertificateMapperCfgDefn An interface for querying the Fingerprint Certificate Mapper managed object definition meta information.FixedTimeLogRotationPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Fixed Time Log Rotation Policy managed object definition meta information.FractionalLdifImportPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Fractional LDIF Import Plugin managed object definition meta information.FreeDiskSpaceLogRetentionPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Free Disk Space Log Retention Policy managed object definition meta information.GetConnectionIdExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Get Connection ID Extended Operation Handler managed object definition meta information.GetSymmetricKeyExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Get Symmetric Key Extended Operation Handler managed object definition meta information.GlobalAccessControlPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Global Access Control Policy managed object definition meta information.GlobalCfgDefn An interface for querying the Global Configuration managed object definition meta information.GoverningStructureRuleVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Governing Structure Rule Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.GraphiteMonitorReporterPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Graphite Monitor Reporter Plugin managed object definition meta information.GssapiSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the GSSAPI SASL Mechanism Handler managed object definition meta information.HasSubordinatesVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Has Subordinates Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.HealthyEndpointCfgDefn An interface for querying the Healthy HTTP endpoint managed object definition meta information.HttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.HttpAnonymousAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP Anonymous Authorization Mechanism managed object definition meta information.HttpAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP Authorization Mechanism managed object definition meta information.HttpBasicAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP Basic Authorization Mechanism managed object definition meta information.HttpConnectionHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP Connection Handler managed object definition meta information.HttpEndpointCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP Endpoint managed object definition meta information.HttpOauth2AuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 Authorization Mechanism managed object definition meta information.HttpOauth2CtsAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 CTS Authorization Mechanism managed object definition meta information.HttpOauth2FileAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 File Based Authorization Mechanism managed object definition meta information.HttpOauth2OpenamAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 OpenAM Authorization Mechanism managed object definition meta information.HttpOauth2TokenIntrospectionAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the HTTP OAuth2 Token Introspection (RFC 7662) Authorization Mechanism managed object definition meta information.IdentityMapperCfgDefn An interface for querying the Identity Mapper managed object definition meta information.IsMemberOfVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Is Member Of Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.JeBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the JE Backend managed object definition meta information.JmxAlertHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the JMX Alert Handler managed object definition meta information.JmxConnectionHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the JMX Connection Handler managed object definition meta information.JsonEqualityMatchingRuleCfgDefn An interface for querying the JSON Equality Matching Rule managed object definition meta information.JsonFileAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.JsonFileHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.JsonOrderingMatchingRuleCfgDefn An interface for querying the JSON Ordering Matching Rule managed object definition meta information.JsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleCfgDefn An interface for querying the JSON Query Equality Matching Rule managed object definition meta information.KeyManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the Key Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.LastModPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Last Mod Plugin managed object definition meta information.LdapAttributeDescriptionListPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the LDAP Attribute Description List Plugin managed object definition meta information.LdapConnectionHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the LDAP Connection Handler managed object definition meta information.LdapKeyManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the LDAP Key Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.LdapPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the LDAP Pass Through Authentication Policy managed object definition meta information.LdapTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the LDAP Trust Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.LdifBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the LDIF Backend managed object definition meta information.LdifConnectionHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the LDIF Connection Handler managed object definition meta information.LengthBasedPasswordValidatorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Length Based Password Validator managed object definition meta information.LocalBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Local Backend managed object definition meta information.LogPublisherCfgDefn An interface for querying the Log Publisher managed object definition meta information.LogRetentionPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Log Retention Policy managed object definition meta information.LogRotationPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Log Rotation Policy managed object definition meta information.MailServerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Mail Server managed object definition meta information.Md5PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the MD5 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.MemberVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Member Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.MemoryBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Memory Backend managed object definition meta information.MonitorBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Monitor Backend managed object definition meta information.NullBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Null Backend managed object definition meta information.NumSubordinatesVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Num Subordinates Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.PasswordExpirationTimeVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Password Expiration Time Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.PasswordGeneratorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Password Generator managed object definition meta information.PasswordModifyExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Password Modify Extended Operation Handler managed object definition meta information.PasswordPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Password Policy managed object definition meta information.PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Password Policy Import Plugin managed object definition meta information.PasswordPolicyStateExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Password Policy State Extended Operation Handler managed object definition meta information.PasswordPolicySubentryVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Password Policy Subentry Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.PasswordValidatorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Password Validator managed object definition meta information.Pbkdf2HmacSha256PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.Pbkdf2HmacSha512PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.Pbkdf2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the PBKDF2 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.PemKeyManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the Pem Key Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.PemTrustManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the Pem Trust Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.Pkcs11KeyManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the PKCS#11 Key Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.Pkcs11TrustManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the PKCS#11 Trust Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.Pkcs5s2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the PKCS#5 V2.0 Scheme 2 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.PlainSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Plain SASL Mechanism Handler managed object definition meta information.PluggableBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Pluggable Backend managed object definition meta information.PluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Plugin managed object definition meta information.PluginRootCfgDefn An interface for querying the Plugin Root managed object definition meta information.PolicyBasedAccessControlHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Policy Based Access Control Handler managed object definition meta information.PrometheusEndpointCfgDefn An interface for querying the Prometheus HTTP Endpoint managed object definition meta information.ProxyBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Proxy Backend managed object definition meta information.RandomPasswordGeneratorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Random Password Generator managed object definition meta information.Rc4PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the RC4 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.ReferentialIntegrityPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Referential Integrity Plugin managed object definition meta information.RegularExpressionIdentityMapperCfgDefn An interface for querying the Regular Expression Identity Mapper managed object definition meta information.RepeatedCharactersPasswordValidatorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Repeated Characters Password Validator managed object definition meta information.ReplicationDomainCfgDefn An interface for querying the Replication Domain managed object definition meta information.ReplicationServerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Replication Server managed object definition meta information.ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the Replication Service Discovery Mechanism managed object definition meta information.ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the Replication Synchronization Provider managed object definition meta information.Rest2ldapEndpointCfgDefn An interface for querying the Rest2LDAP Endpoint managed object definition meta information.RootCfgDefn An interface for querying the Root managed object definition meta information.RootDseBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Root DSE Backend managed object definition meta information.SaltedMd5PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Salted MD5 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.SaltedSha1PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Salted SHA-1 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.SaltedSha256PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Salted SHA-256 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.SaltedSha384PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Salted SHA-384 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.SaltedSha512PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Salted SHA-512 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.SambaPasswordPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Samba Password Plugin managed object definition meta information.SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the SASL Mechanism Handler managed object definition meta information.SchemaBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Schema Backend managed object definition meta information.SchemaProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the Schema Provider managed object definition meta information.ScramSha256PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the SCRAM-SHA-256 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.ScramSha256SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the SCRAM-SHA-256 SASL Mechanism Handler managed object definition meta information.ScramSha512PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the SCRAM-SHA-512 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.ScramSha512SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the SCRAM-SHA-512 SASL Mechanism Handler managed object definition meta information.ServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the Service Discovery Mechanism managed object definition meta information.SevenBitCleanPluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Seven Bit Clean Plugin managed object definition meta information.Sha1PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the SHA-1 Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.SimilarityBasedPasswordValidatorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Similarity Based Password Validator managed object definition meta information.SizeLimitLogRetentionPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Size Limit Log Retention Policy managed object definition meta information.SizeLimitLogRotationPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Size Limit Log Rotation Policy managed object definition meta information.SmtpAccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the SMTP Account Status Notification Handler managed object definition meta information.SmtpAlertHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the SMTP Alert Handler managed object definition meta information.SnmpConnectionHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the SNMP Connection Handler managed object definition meta information.SoftReferenceEntryCacheCfgDefn An interface for querying the Soft Reference Entry Cache managed object definition meta information.StartTlsExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the StartTLS Extended Operation Handler managed object definition meta information.StaticServiceDiscoveryMechanismCfgDefn An interface for querying the Static Service Discovery Mechanism managed object definition meta information.StructuralObjectClassVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Structural Object Class Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.SubjectAttributeToUserAttributeCertificateMapperCfgDefn An interface for querying the Subject Attribute To User Attribute Certificate Mapper managed object definition meta information.SubjectDnToUserAttributeCertificateMapperCfgDefn An interface for querying the Subject DN To User Attribute Certificate Mapper managed object definition meta information.SubjectEqualsDnCertificateMapperCfgDefn An interface for querying the Subject Equals DN Certificate Mapper managed object definition meta information.SubschemaSubentryVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Subschema Subentry Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.SynchronizationProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the Synchronization Provider managed object definition meta information.TaskBackendCfgDefn An interface for querying the Task Backend managed object definition meta information.TimeLimitLogRotationPolicyCfgDefn An interface for querying the Time Limit Log Rotation Policy managed object definition meta information.TraditionalWorkQueueCfgDefn An interface for querying the Traditional Work Queue managed object definition meta information.TripleDesPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Triple-DES Password Storage Scheme managed object definition meta information.TrustManagerProviderCfgDefn An interface for querying the Trust Manager Provider managed object definition meta information.UniqueAttributePluginCfgDefn An interface for querying the Unique Attribute Plugin managed object definition meta information.UniqueCharactersPasswordValidatorCfgDefn An interface for querying the Unique Characters Password Validator managed object definition meta information.UserDefinedVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the User Defined Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.UserTemplateVirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the User Template Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.VirtualAttributeCfgDefn An interface for querying the Virtual Attribute managed object definition meta information.WhoAmIExtendedOperationHandlerCfgDefn An interface for querying the Who Am I Extended Operation Handler managed object definition meta information.WorkQueueCfgDefn An interface for querying the Work Queue managed object definition meta information. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AccessLogFilteringCriteriaCfgDefn.LogRecordType Defines the set of permissible values for the "log-record-type" property.AccessLogPublisherCfgDefn.FilteringPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "filtering-policy" property.Argon2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.Argon2Variant Defines the set of permissible values for the "argon2-variant" property.Argon2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.RehashPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "rehash-policy" property.BackendIndexCfgDefn.IndexType Defines the set of permissible values for the "index-type" property.BackendVlvIndexCfgDefn.Scope Defines the set of permissible values for the "scope" property.BcryptPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.RehashPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "rehash-policy" property.CoreSchemaCfgDefn.JsonValidationPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "json-validation-policy" property.CryptoManagerCfgDefn.KeyWrappingMode Defines the set of permissible values for the "key-wrapping-mode" property.CryptPasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.CryptPasswordStorageEncryptionAlgorithm Defines the set of permissible values for the "crypt-password-storage-encryption-algorithm" property.DigestMd5SaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn.QualityOfProtection Defines the set of permissible values for the "quality-of-protection" property.EntityTagVirtualAttributeCfgDefn.ChecksumAlgorithm Defines the set of permissible values for the "checksum-algorithm" property.ErrorLogAccountStatusNotificationHandlerCfgDefn.AccountStatusNotificationType Defines the set of permissible values for the "account-status-notification-type" property.ErrorLogPublisherCfgDefn.DefaultSeverity Defines the set of permissible values for the "default-severity" property.ExternalSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn.CertificateValidationPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "certificate-validation-policy" property.FileBasedAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn.LogFormat Defines the set of permissible values for the "log-format" property.FingerprintCertificateMapperCfgDefn.FingerprintAlgorithm Defines the set of permissible values for the "fingerprint-algorithm" property.GlobalAccessControlPolicyCfgDefn.Permission Defines the set of permissible values for the "permission" property.GlobalCfgDefn.DisabledPrivilege Defines the set of permissible values for the "disabled-privilege" property.GlobalCfgDefn.EtimeResolution Defines the set of permissible values for the "etime-resolution" property.GlobalCfgDefn.InvalidAttributeSyntaxBehavior Defines the set of permissible values for the "invalid-attribute-syntax-behavior" property.GlobalCfgDefn.SingleStructuralObjectclassBehavior Defines the set of permissible values for the "single-structural-objectclass-behavior" property.GlobalCfgDefn.UnauthenticatedRequestsPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "unauthenticated-requests-policy" property.GlobalCfgDefn.WritabilityMode Defines the set of permissible values for the "writability-mode" property.GssapiSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn.QualityOfProtection Defines the set of permissible values for the "quality-of-protection" property.HttpConnectionHandlerCfgDefn.SslClientAuthPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "ssl-client-auth-policy" property.JeBackendCfgDefn.DbCacheMode Defines the set of permissible values for the "db-cache-mode" property.JeBackendCfgDefn.DbDurability Defines the set of permissible values for the "db-durability" property.LdapConnectionHandlerCfgDefn.SslClientAuthPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "ssl-client-auth-policy" property.LdapPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfgDefn.MappingPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "mapping-policy" property.LocalBackendCfgDefn.WritabilityMode Defines the set of permissible values for the "writability-mode" property.PasswordPolicyCfgDefn.StateUpdateFailurePolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "state-update-failure-policy" property.Pbkdf2PasswordStorageSchemeCfgDefn.RehashPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "rehash-policy" property.PluginCfgDefn.PluginType Defines the set of permissible values for the "plugin-type" property.ProxyBackendCfgDefn.HashFunction Defines the set of permissible values for the "hash-function" property.ReferentialIntegrityPluginCfgDefn.CheckReferencesScopeCriteria Defines the set of permissible values for the "check-references-scope-criteria" property.ReplicationServerCfgDefn.AllowUpdatesPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "allow-updates-policy" property.ReplicationServerCfgDefn.ChangelogEnabled Defines the set of permissible values for the "changelog-enabled" property.ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfgDefn.IsolationPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "isolation-policy" property.SambaPasswordPluginCfgDefn.PwdSyncPolicy Defines the set of permissible values for the "pwd-sync-policy" property.SnmpConnectionHandlerCfgDefn.SecurityLevel Defines the set of permissible values for the "security-level" property.VirtualAttributeCfgDefn.ConflictBehavior Defines the set of permissible values for the "conflict-behavior" property.VirtualAttributeCfgDefn.Scope Defines the set of permissible values for the "scope" property.