Interface DiskSpaceMonitorHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    JEStorage, ReplicationServer

    public interface DiskSpaceMonitorHandler
    This interface defines the set of methods that must be implemented for a DiskSpaceMonitorHandler. Disk space monitor handlers are used to receive notifications from the DiskSpaceMonitor service when the registered thresholds have been reached.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void diskFullThresholdReached​(File directory, long thresholdInBytes)
      Notifies that the registered "full" threshold have been reached.
      void diskLowThresholdReached​(File directory, long thresholdInBytes)
      Notifies that the registered "low" threshold have been reached.
      void diskSpaceRestored​(File directory, long lowThresholdInBytes, long fullThresholdInBytes)
      Notifies that the free disk space is now above both "low" and "full" thresholds.
    • Method Detail

      • diskLowThresholdReached

        void diskLowThresholdReached​(File directory,
                                     long thresholdInBytes)
        Notifies that the registered "low" threshold have been reached.
        directory - the directory for which the threshold has been triggered
        thresholdInBytes - the threshold value in bytes
      • diskFullThresholdReached

        void diskFullThresholdReached​(File directory,
                                      long thresholdInBytes)
        Notifies that the registered "full" threshold have been reached.
        directory - the directory for which the threshold has been triggered
        thresholdInBytes - the threshold value in bytes
      • diskSpaceRestored

        void diskSpaceRestored​(File directory,
                               long lowThresholdInBytes,
                               long fullThresholdInBytes)
        Notifies that the free disk space is now above both "low" and "full" thresholds.
        directory - the directory for which the threshold has been triggeredTODO
        lowThresholdInBytes - the low threshold value in bytes
        fullThresholdInBytes - the full threshold value in bytes