Class JEStorage

    • Constructor Detail

      • JEStorage

        public JEStorage​(JeBackendCfg cfg,
                         ServerContext serverContext)
                  throws ConfigException
        Creates a new JE storage with the provided configuration.
        cfg - The configuration.
        serverContext - This server instance context
        ConfigException - If there is an error when trying to find the server ID.
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public <T> T read​(ReadOperation<T> operation)
                   throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Storage
        Executes a read operation. In case of a read operation rollback, implementations must ensure the read operation is retried until it succeeds.
        Specified by:
        read in interface Storage
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the value returned
        operation - the read operation to execute
        the value read by the read operation
        Exception - if a problem occurs with the underlying storage engine
      • write

        public void write​(WriteOperation operation)
                   throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Storage
        Executes a write operation. In case of a write operation rollback, implementations must ensure the write operation is retried until it succeeds.
        Specified by:
        write in interface Storage
        operation - the write operation to execute
        Exception - if a problem occurs with the underlying storage engine
      • write

        public void write​(WriteOperation operation,
                          WriteableTransaction.WriteTransactionOption option)
                   throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Storage
        Executes a write operation. In case of a write operation rollback, implementations must ensure the write operation is retried until it succeeds.
        Specified by:
        write in interface Storage
        operation - the write operation to execute
        option - the option to apply to this transaction
        Exception - if a problem occurs with the underlying storage engine
      • getDirectory

        public Path getDirectory()
        Description copied from interface: Backupable
        Returns the directory containing all the backend files to be backed up.
        Specified by:
        getDirectory in interface Backupable
        the directory containing all the backend files to be backed up.
      • getBackendID

        public String getBackendID()
        Description copied from interface: Backupable
        Returns the backend name.
        Specified by:
        getBackendID in interface Backupable
        the backend name.
      • getBackendFiles

        public BackupManager.CountedIterator<BackendFile> getBackendFiles()
                                                                   throws IOException
        Returns an iterator that goes over all the log files, including files created after this method is called. The iterator may return files that have been deleted, such files should be ignored during iteration.

        A file fingerprint is calculated just before the file is sent to the backup storage , this means that, by the time the last byte of a file is sent to a backup storage, the fingerprint may be inaccurate. At worse this will cause two identical files to be stored twice in a backup storage, consider the following as an example: the Computed fingerprint is serverId_appData_100, the actual fingerprint is serverId_appData_150. It is impossible for the backup storage to already have a file with fingerprint serverId_appData_150 because files are append only.

        • The backup storage already contains a file with fingerprint serverId_appData_100: the backup reuses that file and the last 50 bytes are not backed up.
        • The backup storage does not contain a file with fingerprint serverId_appData_100: the file is transferred to the backup storage with fingerprint serverId_appData_100 but actual fingerprint is serverId_appData_150.

          During the next backup:

        • The file has not changed: computed fingerprint is serverId_appData_150, the backup storage does not have any record of a file with fingerprint serverId_appData_150, the file is stored again in the backup storage even though it was already stored during the last backup.
        • The file has changed: computed fingerprint is serverId_appData_200, the new file is sent to the backup storage.
        Specified by:
        getBackendFiles in interface Backupable
        A backend file iterator.
        IOException - If there is an error when trying to find the backend files.
      • beforeBackup

        public void beforeBackup()
        Description copied from interface: Backupable
        Performs any necessary processing before a backup is performed. For example, this can take a shared lock or flush out a memory cache to backend files or delete stale data files.
        Specified by:
        beforeBackup in interface Backupable
      • listTrees

        public Set<TreeName> listTrees()
        Description copied from interface: Storage
        Lists the trees that exist in this storage.
        Specified by:
        listTrees in interface Storage
        a set of TreeNames representing the trees that exist in this storage
      • isConfigurationChangeAcceptable

        public boolean isConfigurationChangeAcceptable​(JeBackendCfg newCfg,
                                                       List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
        Description copied from interface: ConfigurationChangeListener
        Indicates whether the proposed change to the configuration is acceptable to this change listener.
        Specified by:
        isConfigurationChangeAcceptable in interface ConfigurationChangeListener<JeBackendCfg>
        newCfg - The new configuration containing the changes.
        unacceptableReasons - A list that can be used to hold messages about why the provided configuration is not acceptable.
        Returns true if the proposed change is acceptable, or false if it is not.
      • getStorageStatus

        public StorageStatus getStorageStatus()
        Description copied from interface: Storage
        Returns the current status of the storage.
        Specified by:
        getStorageStatus in interface Storage
        the current status of the storage
      • diskFullThresholdReached

        public void diskFullThresholdReached​(File directory,
                                             long thresholdInBytes)
        Description copied from interface: DiskSpaceMonitorHandler
        Notifies that the registered "full" threshold have been reached.
        Specified by:
        diskFullThresholdReached in interface DiskSpaceMonitorHandler
        directory - the directory for which the threshold has been triggered
        thresholdInBytes - the threshold value in bytes
      • diskLowThresholdReached

        public void diskLowThresholdReached​(File directory,
                                            long thresholdInBytes)
        Description copied from interface: DiskSpaceMonitorHandler
        Notifies that the registered "low" threshold have been reached.
        Specified by:
        diskLowThresholdReached in interface DiskSpaceMonitorHandler
        directory - the directory for which the threshold has been triggered
        thresholdInBytes - the threshold value in bytes
      • diskSpaceRestored

        public void diskSpaceRestored​(File directory,
                                      long lowThresholdInBytes,
                                      long fullThresholdInBytes)
        Description copied from interface: DiskSpaceMonitorHandler
        Notifies that the free disk space is now above both "low" and "full" thresholds.
        Specified by:
        diskSpaceRestored in interface DiskSpaceMonitorHandler
        directory - the directory for which the threshold has been triggeredTODO
        lowThresholdInBytes - the low threshold value in bytes
        fullThresholdInBytes - the full threshold value in bytes