Class PluginResult.Startup

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class PluginResult.Startup
    extends Object
    Defines a startup plugin result consisting of either continue skip further plugins, or stop startup with an error message.
    • Method Detail

      • continueStartup

        public static PluginResult.Startup continueStartup()
        Defines a continue processing startup plugin result.
        a continue processing startup plugin result.
      • skipFurtherPluginProcesssing

        public static PluginResult.Startup skipFurtherPluginProcesssing()
        Defines a skip further plugin processing startup plugin result.
        a skip further plugin processing startup plugin result.
      • stopStartup

        public static PluginResult.Startup stopStartup​(LocalizableMessage errorMessage)
        Defines a new stop processing startup plugin result.
        errorMessage - An message explaining why processing should stop for the given entry.
        a new stop processing startup plugin result.
      • continueProcessing

        public boolean continueProcessing()
        Whether to continue startup.
        true if processing should continue or false otherwise.
      • continuePluginProcessing

        public boolean continuePluginProcessing()
        Whether to invoke the rest of the plugins.
        true if the rest of the plugins should be invoked for false to skip the rest of the plugins.
      • getErrorMessage

        public LocalizableMessage getErrorMessage()
        Retrieves the error message if continueProcessing() returned false.
        An error message explaining why processing should stop or null if none is provided.