Class PermBindRulePair

  • public final class PermBindRulePair
    extends Object
    A class representing a permission-bind rule pair. There can be multiple of these in an ACI.
    • Method Detail

      • decode

        public static PermBindRulePair decode​(String perm,
                                              String rights,
                                              String bRule,
                                              ServerContext serverContext)
                                       throws AciException
        Decodes a permission bind rule pair.
        perm - A string representing the permissions.
        rights - A string representing the rights.
        bRule - A string representing the bind rule.
        serverContext - The server context
        An permission bind rule pair class representing this pair.
        AciException - If any of the strings fail to decode.
      • getBindRule

        public BindRule getBindRule()
        Gets the bind rule part of this pair.
        The bind rule part of this pair.
      • hasAccessType

        public boolean hasAccessType​(org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat.EnumAccessType accessType)
        Checks the permission to see if it has this access type.
        accessType - An enumeration of the desired access type.
        True if the access type equals the permission access type.
      • hasRights

        public boolean hasRights​(int right)
        Try and match one or more of the specified rights against a rights set of the permission class.
        right - The rights to match.
        True if one or more of the specified rights match a right in the rights set of the permission class.