Class UserDN

    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        public EnumEvalResult evaluate​(AciEvalContext evalCtx)
        Performs the evaluation of a userdn bind rule based on the evaluation context passed to it. The evaluation stops when there are no more UserDNTypeURLs to evaluate or if an UserDNTypeURL evaluates to true.
        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface KeywordBindRule
        evalCtx - The evaluation context to evaluate with.
        An evaluation result enumeration containing the result of the evaluation.
      • evalURL

        public static boolean evalURL​(AciEvalContext evalCtx,
                                      LDAPURL url)
        This method evaluates an URL userdn expression. Something like: ldap:///suffix??sub?(filter). It also searches for the client DN entry and saves it in the evaluation context for repeat evaluations that might come later in processing.
        evalCtx - The evaluation context to use.
        url - URL containing the URL to use in the evaluation.
        the evaluation result.
      • evaluate

        public static boolean evaluate​(Entry e,
                                       Dn clientDN,
                                       AttributeType attrType)
        This method searches an entry for an attribute value that is treated as a DN. That DN is then compared against the client DN.
        e - The entry to get the attribute type from.
        clientDN - The client authorization DN to check for.
        attrType - The attribute type from the bind rule.
        An enumeration with the result.
      • toString

        public void toString​(StringBuilder buffer)
        Description copied from interface: KeywordBindRule
        Appends a string representation of this object to the provided buffer.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface KeywordBindRule
        buffer - The buffer into which a string representation of this object should be appended.