Class AuthenticatedUsers

  • public class AuthenticatedUsers
    extends InternalDirectoryServerPlugin
    This class provides a data structure which maps an authenticated user DN to the set of client connections authenticated as that user. Note that a single client connection may be registered with two different user DNs if the client has different authentication and authorization identities.

    This class also provides a mechanism for detecting changes to authenticated user entries and notifying the corresponding client connections so that they can update their cached versions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthenticatedUsers

        public AuthenticatedUsers​(ServerContext serverContext)
        Creates a new instance of this authenticated users object.
        serverContext - the server context
    • Method Detail

      • put

        public void put​(Dn userDN,
                        ClientConnection clientConnection)
        Registers the provided user DN and client connection with this object.
        userDN - The DN of the user associated with the provided client connection.
        clientConnection - The client connection over which the user is authenticated.
      • remove

        public void remove​(Dn userDN,
                           ClientConnection clientConnection)
        Deregisters the provided user DN and client connection with this object.
        userDN - The DN of the user associated with the provided client connection.
        clientConnection - The client connection over which the user is authenticated.
      • get

        public Set<ClientConnection> get​(Dn userDN)
        Retrieves the set of client connections authenticated as the specified user. This method is only intended for internal testing use and should not be called for any other purpose.
        userDN - The DN of the user for which to retrieve the corresponding set of client connections.
        The set of client connections authenticated as the specified user, or null if there are none.