Class TextAuditLogPublisher

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextAuditLogPublisher

        public TextAuditLogPublisher()
    • Method Detail

      • close0

        protected void close0()
        Release any resources owned by the sub-implementation.
      • close

        public final void close()
        Description copied from interface: LogPublisher
        Close this publisher.
      • getDN

        public final Dn getDN()
        Description copied from interface: LogPublisher
        Gets the DN of the configuration entry for this log publisher.
        The configuration entry DN.
      • initializeFilters

        protected final void initializeFilters​(T config)
                                        throws ConfigException
        Initializes the filter configuration. This method must be called by sub-classes during initialization.
        config - The access publisher configuration that contains the information to use to initialize this access publisher.
        ConfigException - If an unrecoverable problem arises in the process of performing the initialization as a result of the server configuration.
      • isConnectLoggable

        protected final boolean isConnectLoggable​(ClientConnection c)
        Returns true if the provided client connect should be logged.
        c - The client connection.
        true if the provided client connect should be logged.
      • isDisconnectLoggable

        protected final boolean isDisconnectLoggable​(ClientConnection c)
        Returns true if the provided client disconnect should be logged.
        c - The client connection.
        true if the provided client disconnect should be logged.
      • isFilterConfigurationAcceptable

        protected final boolean isFilterConfigurationAcceptable​(T config,
                                                                List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
        Perform any initialization required by the sub-implementation.
        config - The access publisher configuration that contains the information to use to initialize this access publisher.
        unacceptableReasons - A list that may be used to hold the reasons that the provided configuration is not acceptable.
        true if the provided configuration is acceptable for this access log publisher, or false if not.
      • isRequestLoggable

        protected final boolean isRequestLoggable​(RequestContext context,
                                                  Request request)
        Returns true if the provided request should be logged.
        context - the log context
        request - the request to log
        true if the provided request should be logged.
      • isResponseLoggable

        protected final boolean isResponseLoggable​(RequestContext context,
                                                   Request request,
                                                   Response response)
        Returns true if the provided response should be logged.
        context - the log context
        request - the request to which the response corresponds
        response - the response to log
        true if the provided response should be logged.
      • buildFilters

        protected void buildFilters()
        For startup access logger.