Class TraceSettings

    • Field Detail

      • DISABLED

        public static final TraceSettings DISABLED
        A TraceSettings object representing a fully disabled trace state.
    • Method Detail

      • isConfigurationChangeAcceptable

        public boolean isConfigurationChangeAcceptable​(DebugTargetCfg config,
                                                       List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
        Description copied from interface: ConfigurationChangeListener
        Indicates whether the proposed change to the configuration is acceptable to this change listener.
        Specified by:
        isConfigurationChangeAcceptable in interface ConfigurationChangeListener<DebugTargetCfg>
        config - The new configuration containing the changes.
        unacceptableReasons - A list that can be used to hold messages about why the provided configuration is not acceptable.
        Returns true if the proposed change is acceptable, or false if it is not.
      • parseTraceSettings

        protected static TraceSettings parseTraceSettings​(String value)
        Parse trace settings from the string representation.
        value - the trace settings string to be parsed.
        the trace settings parsed from the string.
      • isNoArgs

        public boolean isNoArgs()
        Get whether method arguments should be logged.
        if method arguments should be logged.
      • isNoRetVal

        public boolean isNoRetVal()
        Get whether method return values should be logged.
        if method return values should be logged.
      • getStackDepth

        public int getStackDepth()
        Get the level of stack frames to include.
        the level of stack frames to include.
      • isIncludeCause

        public boolean isIncludeCause()
        Get whether the cause exception is included in exception messages.
        if the cause exception is included in exception messages.