Class LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<T1,​T2>

  • Type Parameters:
    T1 - The type of the first message argument.
    T2 - The type of the second message argument.
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<T1,​T2>
    extends Object
    Subclass for creating messages with two arguments.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Arg2

        public Arg2​(Class<?> sourceClass,
                    String resourceName,
                    String key,
                    int ordinal)
        Creates a parameterized instance.
        sourceClass - The class in which this descriptor is defined. This class will be used to obtain the ClassLoader for retrieving the ResourceBundle. The class may also be retrieved in order to uniquely identify the source of a message, for example using getClass().getPackage().getName().
        resourceName - The name of the resource bundle containing the localizable message.
        key - The resource bundle property key.
        ordinal - The ordinal associated with this descriptor or -1 if undefined. A message can be uniquely identified by its ordinal and class.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public LocalizableMessage get​(T1 a1,
                                      T2 a2)
        Creates a message with arguments that will replace format specifiers in the associated format string when the message is rendered to string representation.
        a1 - A message argument.
        a2 - A message argument.
        The localizable message containing the provided arguments.
      • ordinal

        public final int ordinal()
        Returns the ordinal associated with this message, or -1 if undefined. A message can be uniquely identified by its resource name and ordinal.

        This may be useful when an application wishes to identify the source of a message. For example, a logging implementation could log the resource name in addition to the ordinal in order to unambiguously identify a message in a locale independent way.

        The ordinal associated with this descriptor, or -1 if undefined.
      • resourceName

        public final String resourceName()
        Returns the name of the resource in which this message is defined. A message can be uniquely identified by its resource name and ordinal.

        This may be useful when an application wishes to identify the source of a message. For example, a logging implementation could log the resource name in addition to the ordinal in order to unambiguously identify a message in a locale independent way.

        The resource name may be used for obtaining named loggers, e.g. using SLF4J's org.slf4j.LoggerFactory#getLogger(String name).

        The name of the resource in which this message is defined, or null if this message is a raw message and its source is undefined.