Enum ConditionResult

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<ConditionResult>

    public enum ConditionResult
    extends Enum<ConditionResult>
    The result of a tri-state logical expression. Condition results are used to represent the result of a conditional evaluation that can yield three possible values: FALSE (i.e. "no"), TRUE (i.e. "yes"), or UNDEFINED (i.e. "maybe"). A result of UNDEFINED indicates that further investigation may be required.
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      Indicates that the condition evaluated to false.
      Indicates that the condition evaluated to true.
      Indicates that the condition could not be evaluated and its result is undefined.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static ConditionResult and()
      Returns the logical AND of zero condition results, which is always TRUE.
      ConditionResult and​(ConditionResult r)
      Returns the logical AND of the this condition result with the provided condition result, which is TRUE if both of the condition results are TRUE, FALSE if at least one of them is FALSE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
      static ConditionResult and​(ConditionResult... results)
      Returns the logical AND of the provided condition results, which is TRUE if all of the provided condition results are TRUE, FALSE if at least one of them is FALSE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
      static ConditionResult and​(ConditionResult r1, ConditionResult r2)
      Returns the logical AND of the provided condition results, which is TRUE if both of the provided condition results are TRUE, FALSE if at least one of them is FALSE , and UNDEFINED otherwise.
      ConditionResult not()
      Returns the logical NOT of this condition result, which is TRUE if this condition result is FALSE, TRUE if it is FALSE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
      static ConditionResult not​(ConditionResult r)
      Returns the logical NOT of the provided condition result, which is TRUE if the provided condition result is FALSE, TRUE if it is FALSE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
      static ConditionResult or()
      Returns the logical OR of zero condition results, which is always FALSE.
      ConditionResult or​(ConditionResult r)
      Returns the logical OR of the this condition result with the provided condition result, which is FALSE if both of the condition results are FALSE, TRUE if at least one of them is TRUE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
      static ConditionResult or​(ConditionResult... results)
      Returns the logical OR of the provided condition results, which is FALSE if all of the provided condition results are FALSE, TRUE if at least one of them is TRUE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
      static ConditionResult or​(ConditionResult r1, ConditionResult r2)
      Returns the logical OR of the provided condition results, which is FALSE if both of the provided condition results are FALSE , TRUE if at least one of them is TRUE , and UNDEFINED otherwise.
      boolean toBoolean()
      Converts this condition result to a boolean value.
      String toString()
      Returns the string representation of this condition result.
      static ConditionResult valueOf​(boolean b)
      Returns the condition result which is equivalent to the provided boolean value.
      static ConditionResult valueOf​(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static ConditionResult[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • FALSE

        public static final ConditionResult FALSE
        Indicates that the condition evaluated to false.

        public static final ConditionResult UNDEFINED
        Indicates that the condition could not be evaluated and its result is undefined.
      • TRUE

        public static final ConditionResult TRUE
        Indicates that the condition evaluated to true.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static ConditionResult[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (ConditionResult c : ConditionResult.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static ConditionResult valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • and

        public static ConditionResult and()
        Returns the logical AND of zero condition results, which is always TRUE.
        The logical OR of zero condition results, which is always TRUE.
      • and

        public static ConditionResult and​(ConditionResult... results)
        Returns the logical AND of the provided condition results, which is TRUE if all of the provided condition results are TRUE, FALSE if at least one of them is FALSE, and UNDEFINED otherwise. Note that TRUE is returned if the provided list of results is empty.
        results - The condition results to be compared.
        The logical AND of the provided condition results.
      • and

        public static ConditionResult and​(ConditionResult r1,
                                          ConditionResult r2)
        Returns the logical AND of the provided condition results, which is TRUE if both of the provided condition results are TRUE, FALSE if at least one of them is FALSE , and UNDEFINED otherwise.
        r1 - The first condition result to be compared.
        r2 - The second condition result to be compared.
        The logical AND of the provided condition results.
      • and

        public ConditionResult and​(ConditionResult r)
        Returns the logical AND of the this condition result with the provided condition result, which is TRUE if both of the condition results are TRUE, FALSE if at least one of them is FALSE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
        r - The condition result to be compared with this one.
        The logical AND of the two condition results.
      • not

        public static ConditionResult not​(ConditionResult r)
        Returns the logical NOT of the provided condition result, which is TRUE if the provided condition result is FALSE, TRUE if it is FALSE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
        r - The condition result to invert.
        The logical NOT of the provided condition result.
      • not

        public ConditionResult not()
        Returns the logical NOT of this condition result, which is TRUE if this condition result is FALSE, TRUE if it is FALSE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
        The logical NOT of this condition result.
      • or

        public static ConditionResult or()
        Returns the logical OR of zero condition results, which is always FALSE.
        The logical OR of zero condition results, which is always FALSE.
      • or

        public static ConditionResult or​(ConditionResult... results)
        Returns the logical OR of the provided condition results, which is FALSE if all of the provided condition results are FALSE, TRUE if at least one of them is TRUE, and UNDEFINED otherwise. Note that FALSE is returned if the provided list of results is empty.
        results - The condition results to be compared.
        The logical OR of the provided condition results.
      • or

        public static ConditionResult or​(ConditionResult r1,
                                         ConditionResult r2)
        Returns the logical OR of the provided condition results, which is FALSE if both of the provided condition results are FALSE , TRUE if at least one of them is TRUE , and UNDEFINED otherwise.
        r1 - The first condition result to be compared.
        r2 - The second condition result to be compared.
        The logical OR of the provided condition results.
      • or

        public ConditionResult or​(ConditionResult r)
        Returns the logical OR of the this condition result with the provided condition result, which is FALSE if both of the condition results are FALSE, TRUE if at least one of them is TRUE, and UNDEFINED otherwise.
        r - The condition result to be compared with this one.
        The logical OR of the two condition results.
      • valueOf

        public static ConditionResult valueOf​(boolean b)
        Returns the condition result which is equivalent to the provided boolean value.
        b - The boolean value.
        TRUE if b was true, otherwise FALSE .
      • toBoolean

        public boolean toBoolean()
        Converts this condition result to a boolean value. FALSE and UNDEFINED are both converted to false, and TRUE is converted to true.
        The boolean equivalent of this condition result.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the string representation of this condition result.
        toString in class Enum<ConditionResult>
        The string representation of his condition result.