Interface CrestMetricsEndpointCfgClient

  • All Superinterfaces:
    ConfigurationClient, HttpEndpointCfgClient

    public interface CrestMetricsEndpointCfgClient
    extends HttpEndpointCfgClient
    A client-side interface for reading and modifying Common REST Metrics HTTP Endpoint settings.

    The Common REST Metrics HTTP Endpoint provides access to OpenDJ's monitoring information via the Common REST protocol.

    • Method Detail

      • getExcludedMetricPattern

        SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getExcludedMetricPattern()
        Gets the "excluded-metric-pattern" property.

        Zero or more regular expressions identifying metrics that should not be published. The metric name prefix must not be included in the filter. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns.

        Default value is undefined

        Returns the values of the "excluded-metric-pattern" property.
      • setExcludedMetricPattern

        void setExcludedMetricPattern​(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values)
                               throws PropertyException
        Sets the "excluded-metric-pattern" property.

        Zero or more regular expressions identifying metrics that should not be published. The metric name prefix must not be included in the filter. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns.

        values - The values of the "excluded-metric-pattern" property.
        PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
      • getIncludedMetricPattern

        SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getIncludedMetricPattern()
        Gets the "included-metric-pattern" property.

        Zero or more regular expressions identifying metrics that should be published. The metric name prefix must not be included in the filter. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns.

        Default value is undefined

        Returns the values of the "included-metric-pattern" property.
      • setIncludedMetricPattern

        void setIncludedMetricPattern​(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values)
                               throws PropertyException
        Sets the "included-metric-pattern" property.

        Zero or more regular expressions identifying metrics that should be published. The metric name prefix must not be included in the filter. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns.

        values - The values of the "included-metric-pattern" property.
        PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
      • getJavaClass

        ValueOrExpression<String> getJavaClass()
        Gets the "java-class" property.

        Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Common REST Metrics HTTP Endpoint implementation.

        Default value: org.opends.server.protocols.http.CrestMetricsEndpoint

        Specified by:
        getJavaClass in interface HttpEndpointCfgClient
        Returns the value of the "java-class" property.