Class JsonFileAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static JsonFileAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn getInstance()
        Get the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher configuration definition singleton.
        Returns the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher configuration definition singleton.
      • getEnabledPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getEnabledPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "enabled" property definition.

        Indicates whether the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher is enabled for use.

        Returns the "enabled" property definition.
      • getFilteringPolicyPropertyDefinition

        public EnumPropertyDefinition<AccessLogPublisherCfgDefn.FilteringPolicy> getFilteringPolicyPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "filtering-policy" property definition.

        Specifies how filtering criteria should be applied to log records.

        Returns the "filtering-policy" property definition.
      • getJavaClassPropertyDefinition

        public ClassPropertyDefinition getJavaClassPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "java-class" property definition.

        The fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher implementation.

        Returns the "java-class" property definition.
      • getLogControlOidsPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getLogControlOidsPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "log-control-oids" property definition.

        Specifies whether control OIDs will be included in operation log records.

        Returns the "log-control-oids" property definition.
      • getLogDirectoryPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getLogDirectoryPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "log-directory" property definition.

        The directory to use for the log files generated by the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher. The path to the directory is relative to the server root.

        Returns the "log-directory" property definition.
      • getLogFieldBlacklistPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getLogFieldBlacklistPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "log-field-blacklist" property definition.

        List of fields that the server omits from access log messages.

        Valid values for this property are JSON paths for fields present in the log file.

        Returns the "log-field-blacklist" property definition.
      • getLogFileNamePrefixPropertyDefinition

        public StringPropertyDefinition getLogFileNamePrefixPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "log-file-name-prefix" property definition.

        File name prefix (without extension) for CSV and JSON file based access log publishers.

        Returns the "log-file-name-prefix" property definition.
      • getRetentionPolicyPropertyDefinition

        public AggregationPropertyDefinition<LogRetentionPolicyCfgClient,​LogRetentionPolicyCfg> getRetentionPolicyPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "retention-policy" property definition.

        The retention policy to use for the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher.

        When multiple policies are used, log files are cleaned when any of the policy's conditions are met.

        Returns the "retention-policy" property definition.
      • getRotationPolicyPropertyDefinition

        public AggregationPropertyDefinition<LogRotationPolicyCfgClient,​LogRotationPolicyCfg> getRotationPolicyPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "rotation-policy" property definition.

        The rotation policy to use for the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher.

        When multiple policies are used, rotation will occur if any policy's conditions are met.

        Returns the "rotation-policy" property definition.
      • getSuppressInternalOperationsPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getSuppressInternalOperationsPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "suppress-internal-operations" property definition.

        Indicates whether internal operations (for example, operations that are initiated by plugins) should be logged along with the operations that are requested by users.

        Returns the "suppress-internal-operations" property definition.
      • getSuppressSynchronizationOperationsPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getSuppressSynchronizationOperationsPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "suppress-synchronization-operations" property definition.

        Indicates whether access messages that are generated by synchronization operations should be suppressed.

        Returns the "suppress-synchronization-operations" property definition.