Interface AttributeCleanupPluginCfg

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Configuration, PluginCfg

    public interface AttributeCleanupPluginCfg
    extends PluginCfg
    A server-side interface for querying Attribute Cleanup Plugin settings.

    A pre-parse plugin which can be used to remove and rename attributes in ADD and MODIFY requests before being processed.

    • Method Detail

      • addAttributeCleanupChangeListener

        void addAttributeCleanupChangeListener​(ConfigurationChangeListener<AttributeCleanupPluginCfg> listener)
        Register to be notified when this Attribute Cleanup Plugin is changed.
        listener - The Attribute Cleanup Plugin configuration change listener.
      • removeAttributeCleanupChangeListener

        void removeAttributeCleanupChangeListener​(ConfigurationChangeListener<AttributeCleanupPluginCfg> listener)
        Deregister an existing Attribute Cleanup Plugin configuration change listener.
        listener - The Attribute Cleanup Plugin configuration change listener.
      • isInvokeForInternalOperations

        boolean isInvokeForInternalOperations()
        Gets the "invoke-for-internal-operations" property.

        Indicates whether the plug-in should be invoked for internal operations.

        Any plug-in that can be invoked for internal operations must ensure that it does not create any new internal operatons that can cause the same plug-in to be re-invoked.

        Default value: false

        Specified by:
        isInvokeForInternalOperations in interface PluginCfg
        Returns the value of the "invoke-for-internal-operations" property.
      • getJavaClass

        String getJavaClass()
        Gets the "java-class" property.

        Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the plug-in implementation.

        Default value: org.opends.server.plugins.AttributeCleanupPlugin

        Specified by:
        getJavaClass in interface PluginCfg
        Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
      • getPluginType

        SortedSet<PluginCfgDefn.PluginType> getPluginType()
        Gets the "plugin-type" property.

        Specifies the set of plug-in types for the plug-in, which specifies the times at which the plug-in is invoked.

        Default values: preparseadd, preparsemodify

        Specified by:
        getPluginType in interface PluginCfg
        Returns an unmodifiable set containing the values of the "plugin-type" property.
      • getRemoveInboundAttributes

        SortedSet<String> getRemoveInboundAttributes()
        Gets the "remove-inbound-attributes" property.

        A list of attributes which should be removed from incoming add or modify requests.

        Returns an unmodifiable set containing the values of the "remove-inbound-attributes" property.
      • getRenameInboundAttributes

        SortedSet<String> getRenameInboundAttributes()
        Gets the "rename-inbound-attributes" property.

        A list of attributes which should be renamed in incoming add or modify requests.

        Returns an unmodifiable set containing the values of the "rename-inbound-attributes" property.