Class LicenseFile

  • public final class LicenseFile
    extends Object
    Represents information about the license file.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LicenseFile

        public LicenseFile()
        Creates a new LicenseFile by reading server install path from system property.
    • Method Detail

      • isAlreadyApproved

        public boolean isAlreadyApproved()
        Indicate if the license had already been approved.
        true if the license had already been approved by the user false otherwise.
      • markAsApproved

        public void markAsApproved()
        Registers that the license has been approved by the user.
      • createLicenseApprovedFile

        public void createLicenseApprovedFile()
        Creates a file - in the legal folder from the specified directory; which indicates that the license has been approved.
      • exists

        public boolean exists()
        Checks if the license file exists.
        true if the license file exists in the Legal directory in the top level installation directory false otherwise.
      • getContent

        public String getContent()
        Get the textual contents of the license file.
        the textual contents of the license file.