Class AdminToolMessages

  • public final class AdminToolMessages
    extends Object
    This file contains localizable message descriptors having the resource name org.opends.messages.admin_tool. This file was generated automatically by the opendj-maven-plugin from the property file org/opends/messages/ and it should not be manually edited.
    • Field Detail


        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERROR_DSREPL_DR_MISSING_ARGUMENT
        A mandatory argument is missing. Choose one and only one argument from '--generate-recovery-id', '--generated-id' and '--user-generated-id'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_END_DISASTER_RECOVERY_DURING_RESET_GENID_TASK_WITHOUT_LOG
        An error occurred during end of disaster recovery. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERROR_DSREPL_END_DISASTER_RECOVERY_DURING_RESET_GENID_TASK_WITH_LOG
        An error occurred during end of disaster recovery. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_END_DISASTER_RECOVERY_ERROR_LAUNCHING
        An error occurred when ending disaster recovery: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_ERROR_LAUNCHING_INITIALIZATION
        An error occurred when launching initialization: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_INITIALIZATION_DURING_INIT_TASK_WITHOUT_LOG
        An error occurred during initialization. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERROR_DSREPL_INITIALIZATION_DURING_INIT_TASK_WITH_LOG
        An error occurred during initialization. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_INITIALIZATION_DURING_RESET_GENID_TASK_WITHOUT_LOG
        Error during the processing of the reset generationID task. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERROR_DSREPL_INITIALIZATION_DURING_RESET_GENID_TASK_WITH_LOG
        Error during the processing of the reset generationID task. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERROR_DSREPL_MISSING_SERVER_VALUE
        A mandatory argument is missing. Choose one and only one argument from '--toServer', '--fromServer' and '--toAllServers'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_POLLING_TASK
        An error occurred while attempting to monitor the task progress. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_PURGE_METADATA_DURING_TASK_WITHOUT_LOG
        An error occurred while purging old replication meta-data. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERROR_DSREPL_PURGE_METADATA_DURING_TASK_WITH_LOG
        An error occurred while purging old replication meta-data. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_PURGE_METADATA_ERROR_LAUNCHING
        An error occurred while purging old replication meta-data: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_DOMAINS_DO_NOT_MATCH
        The source and target server have distinct replication domains. As a consequence the change number from the target server can't be reset from a change number of the source server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_DURING_TASK_WITHOUT_LOG
        An error occurred during the re-synchronization of the change number. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_DURING_TASK_WITH_LOG
        An error occurred during the re-synchronization of the change number. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_ERROR_LAUNCHING
        An error occurred when re-synchronizing the change number: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_ERROR_WHEN_SEARCHING_DOMAIN
        An error occurred when searching replicated domains in server: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_NO_BASE_DN_FOUND
        No base DN found for the change number '%s' in the source server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_NO_CSN_FOUND
        No CSN found for the change number '%s' in the source server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_NO_DOMAIN_FOUND
        Unable to find a replicated domain in the target server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_NO_MATCHING_DOMAIN_FOUND
        Unable to find a replicated domain matching the DN '%s' corresponding to the change number

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_SEARCH_ERROR
        Error when searching change number '%s' in the source server: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_NEWEST_CN
        Unable to retrieve the newest change number in the source server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_UNKNOWN_CN
        Unable to retrieve change number '%s' in the source server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_UNSUCCESSFUL_WHEN_SEARCHING_DOMAIN
        An error occurred when searching replicated domains in server. Result code was: '%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_START_DISASTER_RECOVERY_DURING_RESET_GENID_TASK_WITHOUT_LOG
        An error occurred during start of disaster recovery. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERROR_DSREPL_START_DISASTER_RECOVERY_DURING_RESET_GENID_TASK_WITH_LOG
        An error occurred during start of disaster recovery. Last log details: %s. Task state: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERROR_DSREPL_START_DISASTER_RECOVERY_ERROR_LAUNCHING
        An error occurred when starting disaster recovery: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERROR_DSREPL_TOO_MANY_SERVER_VALUES
        Invalid combination of arguments. Choose one and only one argument from '--toServer', '--fromServer' and '--toAllServers'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_CANNOT_DELETE_CNI_FILE
        The replication changelog file '%s' could not be deleted. Check file permissions and filesystem status. The error is: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_CANNOT_LIST_CNI_FILES
        The replication changelog files could not be retrieved. Check file permissions and filesystem status. The error is: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_CANNOT_READ_CONFIGURATION
        Cannot read the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_DELETE_ADMIN_ENTRIES
        Cannot delete entries under '%s' in admin backend. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_DISABLE_ADMIN_BACKEND
        Cannot disable admin backend on the local server. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CONNECTION_TO_ALL_SERVERS
        Cannot obtain a connection for one of the servers in the topology. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CONNECTION_TO_SERVER
        Cannot obtain a connection to server '%s' from the topology. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_READ_MONITOR_ENTRY
        Cannot read monitor entries under '%s' on the local server. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CANNOT_UPDATE_CONFIGURATION
        Cannot update configuration for server '%s'. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_ERROR_WHILE_OPENING_OR_CLOSING_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT
        An error occurred opening (or closing) a connection to read or change the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_CLEAR_CHANGELOG_DELETE_FAILED
        A problem occurred while clearing the changelog data: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_DOMAIN_DR_ID_INCONSISTENCY
        The provided base DN '%s' does not match the disaster recovery id '%s'. Please verify that the base DN and disaster recovery id correspond to the base DN and id from the first recovered server.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_DR_BAD_DATA
        The disaster recovery procedure cannot be continued on this server because the domain '%s' does not contain the expected data. Make sure the server has been restored using exactly the same procedure used on the first server.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_DR_CANNOT_CLEAR_CHANGELOG
        An error occurred while clearing the changelog for the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which have already completed the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem at '%s' is readable with delete permissions and try again. The error is: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_DR_CANNOT_CLEAR_CNI
        An error occurred while clearing the change number index. The change number index on this server will expose erroneous data. Make sure the filesystem at '%s' is readable with delete permissions and try again. The error is: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_DR_CANNOT_REWRITE_BASE_DN
        An error occurred while rewriting the base entry of the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which already have received the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem is writeable and there is some free disk space, and try again. The error is: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_DR_CANNOT_REWRITE_REPLICATION_DATA
        An error occurred while rewriting replication data for the domain '%s'. This server will not be able to connect to the servers which already have received the disaster recovery procedure. Make sure the filesystem at '%s' is writeable and there is some free disk space and try again. The error is: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_DSREPL_DR_INIT_NEED_DS
        Disaster recovery must be started on a directory server or a combined directory/replication server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_DR_INVALID_ID
        The disaster recovery id '%s' is invalid. Verify the value of the disaster recovery id parameter matches the value printed when '--generate-recovery-id' was run on the first server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Number> ERR_DSREPL_DR_INVALID_VERSION
        The provided disaster recovery id had version %d, but only version 1 is supported. Verify the value of the disaster recovery id parameter matches the value printed when '--generate-recovery-id' was run on the first server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_DR_WITH_VERSION_NEED_DS
        Base Dn '%s' is not a replicated domain on this server. Disaster recovery must be run on a directory server or a combined directory/replication server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_ADD_NEW_SERVER_TO_CN_ADMIN_DATA
        Cannot add an entry describing the new server to 'cn=admin data' in the remote server '%s' in the existing topology. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_ADD_RS_TO_BOOTSTRAP_REPL_SERVERS
        Cannot add '%s' to the bootstrap replication server list on server '%s'. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,​Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_ADD_RS_TO_REPL_DOMAIN
        Cannot add '%s' to the configuration of replication domain '%s' on server '%s'. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_ADD_RS_TO_REPL_SERVER
        Cannot add '%s' to the configuration of replication server on server '%s'. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NEW_SERVER_TO_REPLICATE
        Cannot configure the local server so it can replicate with the servers in the existing topology. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_REPLICATION_WITH_ALL_SERVERS
        Cannot configure all the servers in the existing topology to replicate with the new server. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_DISCOVER_NEW_SERVER_CONFIG
        Cannot discover the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_MODIFY_ENTRY
        Cannot modify the entry '%s' on server '%s' to reconcile it with what is expected by the tool. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CONNECTION_TO_ALL_SERVERS
        Cannot obtain a connection for one of the servers in the existing topology. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CONNECTION_TO_SERVER
        Cannot obtain a connection to server '%s' from the existing topology. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_READ_CN_ADMIN_DATA
        Cannot read 'cn=admin data' in server '%s'. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_READ_SERVER_IDS
        Error when reading the server IDs from all the servers in the old topology. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_READ_SERVER_ID_OR_GROUP_ID
        Cannot read the server ID or the group ID for the local server. The error(s) are: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_REPLICATION_PORT
        Cannot retrieve the replication port from server '%s'. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_ERROR_WHILE_ADDING_INSTANCE_KEYS
        Cannot add server instance keys to the new server. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_ERROR_WHILE_OPENING_CONNECTIONS
        An error occurred opening connections to the server in the existing topology or the new server. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_ERROR_WHILE_OPENING_OR_CLOSING_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT
        An error occurred opening (or closing) a connection to change the configuration of the local server. The error was: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_INAPPROPRIATE_GROUP_ID
        Inappropriate group ID '%s' for the local server: it cannot be converted to an integer, but this is required to communicate with pre 7.0 servers. Use a group ID that can be converted into an integer, or use 'default' if you do not want to set a group ID

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_INAPPROPRIATE_SERVER_ID
        Inappropriate server ID '%s' for the local server: it does not represent a numeric value as required to communicate with pre 7.0 servers. Use an integer server ID without leading zeros.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_RESTART_THE_SERVER
        Once done, restart the server for the changes to take effect

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_MIGRATION_SERVER_ID_ALREADY_USED
        Cannot use server ID '%s' for the local server because it is already used by server '%s' (configuration object %s)

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_STATUS_CANNOT_READ_CN_MONITOR_ON_SERVER
        Error while reading cn=monitor: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_DSREPL_STATUS_CANNOT_READ_CN_MONITOR_ON_TARGET_SERVER
        An error occurred while reading cn=monitor on server %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_DSREPL_STATUS_NO_ADMIN_PORT_FOR_SERVER
        Cannot contact server: no admin port could be discovered in its entry %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_MISSING_CREDENTIAL_ARGS
        The --bindDN and/or --bindPassword arguments are missing

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_MISSING_OUTPUTDIR_ARG
        An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments: The argument --outputDirectory is required to have a value but none was provided in the argument list and no default value is available

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_OFFLINE_TOOL_TARGET_SERVER_MISSING
        A target server must be specified either by using LDAP connection options or the --%s option

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_STATUS_PRINT_SCRIPT_FRIENDLY_OUTPUT
        An error occurred while printing server status script friendly output: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_STATUS_READ_LOCAL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION
        An error occurred while reading the server configuration: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_STATUS_UNABLE_TO_READ_MONITOR_BACKEND_MSG
        Unable to perform the search on the monitor backend. To display information, the status tool requires the remote server monitor backend to be enabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION_DURING_TOOL_EXECUTION
        An unexpected error has been raised during execution of the tool: '%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_COLLECTING_CHANGELOG_INFO_FAILURE
        No changelogDb data found (is a DS or is not replicated)

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_COLLECTING_MONITORING_INFO
        Collecting the monitoring info from cn=monitor

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_COLLECTING_THE_CONFIGURATION_FILES
        Collecting the configuration files

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_DSREPL_DR_SUBCMD
        Performs disaster recovery on the local server. The subcommand has two forms. The first form verifies each replica has the same data after recovery: on a replica, run dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn dc=example,dc=com --generate-recovery-id The command prints the identifier to use on all other servers with the --generated-id option: dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn dc=example,dc=com --generated-id &#123;identifier&#125; The second form uses an identifier you provide. It lets you automate the recovery process when you cannot use the first form. Do not use this form if the topology has standalone replication servers. With this form of the subcommand, you must ensure you recover each replica with the same data. Run the same subcommand on all servers. Example: dsrepl disaster-recovery --baseDn dc=example,dc=com --user-generated-id Recovery_Date_20240101 Read the documentation on disaster recovery carefully before using this command

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_DSREPL_END_DISASTER_RECOVERY_SUBCMD
        End disaster recovery for all servers

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_DSREPL_PURGE_METADATA_SUBCMD
        Purges old replication meta-data from application data

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_SUBCMD
        Re-synchronizes the change-log change number of the target server with the change-log change number of the source server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_DSREPL_START_DISASTER_RECOVERY_SUBCMD
        Start disaster recovery for all servers

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_DSREPL_STATUS_SUBCMD
        Displays the status of the replication service and various diagnostics about it. The information is derived from reading cn=monitor on all the servers in the replication topology. The status of a server is one of the following. BAD - DATA MISMATCH: either the fractional replication configuration does not match the backend data, or the initial state of the replicated data does not match other servers and this server must be re-initialized; BAD - TOO LATE: the server has fallen further behind than the replication purge delay and must be re-initialized; GOOD: normal operation, nothing to do; SLOW: the server's replay delay is greater than five seconds; UNHEALTHY: read the server health errors in the server monitoring data for details.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_DS_REPL_SUBCMD_INITIALIZE
        Initialize replication data for the server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DESCRIPTION_DS_REPL_TOOL
        This tool manages data synchronization between servers. For replication to work you must initialize the contents of one of the servers with the contents of the others using the '%s' subcommand

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_SUBCMD_ADD_SERVER_TO_PRE_7_0_TOPOLOGY
        Adds the local server (with version 7.0 or more) to a topology with older server versions (prior to 7.0).

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_SUBCMD_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_PRE_70_TOPOLOGY
        Clean all the servers (with version 7.0 or more) that have been migrated from a topology of older servers (version prior to 7.0)

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DESCRIPTION_SUBCMD_CLEAR_CHANGELOG
        Clears all replication server changelog data for the offline local server; the other replication servers in the topology will transfer any needed data when the server restarts

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_BASE_DN_DESCRIPTION
        Base DN(s) to use. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CHECK_SERVER_LOGS
        Check the server error logs for additional details

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_ADMIN_USER_NOT_REMOVED
        Servers have been cleaned, however the administrator user '%s' in the admin backend was not removed because it was used to bind to the server. To remove it, you should run the following commands on all servers using a bind DN, such as "uid=admin", which lies outside the "cn=admin data" backend:

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_ALL_SERVERS_CLEANED_UP
        All servers have been cleaned

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_ALL_SERVERS_CLEANED_UP_WITH_SECRET_KEYS
        All servers have been cleaned. The admin backend will remain enabled because it contains secret keys that may be used by reversible password storage schemes

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_ALREADY_DONE
        This server has already been cleaned, there is nothing left to do

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_CLEANUP_CONFIGURATION
        Cleaning and updating configuration of server %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_DISABLE_ADMIN_BACKEND
        Disable admin backend for server %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_REMOVE_ADMIN_BACKEND_ADMINISTRATORS
        Removing administrators from admin backend

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_REMOVE_ADMIN_BACKEND_INSTANCE_KEYS
        Removing instance keys from admin backend

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_REMOVE_ADMIN_BACKEND_SERVERS
        Removing servers from admin backend

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_SECONDARY_CLEANUP_DONE
        The server %s has now been cleaned

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_SET_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG
        Set bootstrap servers configuration for server %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_CLEANUP_MIGRATED_WRONG_BIND_DN
        The remaining cleanup on this server cannot be performed because the administrator user '%s' in the admin backend was used to bind to the server. You should run again this command using a bind DN, such as "uid=admin", which lies outside the "cn=admin data" backend to be able to complete the cleanup on this server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEAR_CHANGELOG_NOTHING_TO_DO
        Nothing to do: this server does not keep any replication server changelog data

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_CLEAR_CHANGELOG_PROGRESS
        Clearing all replication server changelog data for the local server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_DR_CANCELED_PROCESS
        The disaster recovery process has been canceled, no operation was performed. This server may still not be operational.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_DR_COMPUTED_ID_INTRO
        The disaster recovery process completed successfully for the first server. The next step is to restore the same data using the same procedure on all the remaining servers in the topology and run the following command on each server:

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_DR_ENDED_SUCCESSFULLY
        Disaster recovery for base DN '%s' ended successfully on this server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> INFO_DSREPL_DR_WITH_VERSION_ALREADY_RUN
        Disaster recovery for domain '%s' has already been run with recovery ID '%s'. Verify all servers in the topology are being recovered with the same recovery ID

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_ENABLE_ADMIN_DATA_BACKEND
        Enabling 'cn=admin data' backend

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_END_DISASTER_RECOVERY_FINAL_MSG
        Replication has now resumed for the base DNs and directory servers will accept modifications.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_END_DISASTER_RECOVERY_START_BASE_DN
        Ending disaster recovery for base DN '%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_FROM_SERVER_DESCRIPTION
        Server ID of the server containing the source data

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_GENERATED_DRID_DESCRIPTION
        Use the disaster recovery identifier generated on the first server. You must use the same identifier for all servers involved in the same disaster recovery procedure

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_GENERATE_DRID_DESCRIPTION
        Generate a disaster recovery identifier during recovery. Use this for the first directory server in a replication topology with standalone RS servers. For all subsequent servers to recover, omit this option and use --generated-id &#123;generatedRecoveryId&#125; with the generated identifier

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_INIT_ASK_CONFIRMATION
        Continue the disaster recovery procedure

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_INIT_ASK_CONFIRMATION_INTRO
        Disaster recovery will erase replication metadata on this server. This server will then only be able to replicate changes with other recovered servers. You will have to run the recovery procedure on every other server of the topology. Servers which have not been recovered will not be able to connect to recovered servers anymore.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_ADD_INSTANCE_KEYS_TO_CN_ADMIN_DATA
        Adding server instances keys from the existing topology into 'cn=admin data' in the new server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_EXTRACT_CA_CERTIFICATE
        Cannot find a CA certificate in the replication trust managers of the local server. Please verify the %s trust-manager-provider configuration value

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CANNOT_EXTRACT_MASTER_KEY_CERTIFICATE
        Cannot extract the master key pair certificate with alias '%s' because the crypto-manager's key manager provider of the local server does not contain such key or does not support extracting certificates

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CONFIGURING_REPLICATION
        Updating replication configuration on local server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CONFIGURING_REPLICATION_DOMAIN
        Updating replication configuration for baseDN '%s' on local server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CONFIGURING_TOPOLOGY_TO_TALK_TO_NEW_SERVER
        Configuring the servers in the topology to talk to the local server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_CREATE_REPLICATION_TRUST_MANAGER
        Creating the trust manager '%s' to be used by replication connections in the local server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_MIGRATION_POST_CONFIGURE
        Replication has been successfully configured on the local server. Note that for replication to work you must initialize the contents of the base DNs that are being replicated. Run the following command(s) to do so:

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_PURGE_METADATA_MAX_DURATION_DESCRIPTION
        Maximum duration of the command in seconds

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_PURGE_METADATA_MAX_DURATION_DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER
        &#123;maximum duration in seconds&#125;

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_CN_DESCRIPTION
        The change number to use as the basis for re-synchronization

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_CN_DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER
        &#123;change number&#125;

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> INFO_DSREPL_RESET_CHANGE_NUMBER_START_MSG
        Start to re-synchronize the change-log change number of server '%s' from the source server '%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_START_DISASTER_RECOVERY_FINAL_MSG
        Replication is now suspended and the replicated servers will reject any modifications. Now initialize the contents of the base DNs on all of the servers by importing LDIF or by restoring a backup. The same LDIF or backup must be used on each server. When the initialization has completed you must use the 'end-disaster-recovery' subcommand to resume replication for the base DNs.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_DSREPL_START_DISASTER_RECOVERY_START_BASE_DN
        Starting disaster recovery for base DN: '%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> INFO_DSREPL_START_DISASTER_RECOVERY_START_MSG
        Starting disaster recovery for server '%s' for base DNs: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> INFO_DSREPL_START_INITIALIZATION_FROM_OR_TO_SINGLE_REMOTE
        Starting initialization from '%s' to '%s' for base DNs: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> INFO_DSREPL_START_INITIALIZATION_TO_ALL_REMOTE
        Starting initialization from '%s' to all replicas for base DNs: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_STATUS_BASE_DN_DESCRIPTION
        Base DN(s) to display. Multiple base DNs can be provided by using this option multiple times. If no base DNs are provided, then all the base DNs will be displayed.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_STATUS_HEADING_ERROR_OR_DIAGNOSTIC
        Error or diagnostic

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_STATUS_SHOW_CHANGELOGS_DESCRIPTION
        Displays individual changelog servers in the output

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_STATUS_SHOW_GROUPS_DESCRIPTION
        Display replication group information in the output

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_STATUS_SHOW_REPLICAS_DESCRIPTION
        Displays individual replicas in the output

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_TO_ALL_SERVERS_DESCRIPTION
        Initialize all the other servers in the topology

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_TO_SERVER_DESCRIPTION
        Server ID of the server to be initialized

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_USER_GENERATED_ID_DESCRIPTION
        Set the identifier for this recovery to &#123;userGeneratedRecoveryId&#125;, a string of your choice. Do not use this option if the replication topology has standalone RS servers. You must use the same identifier for all servers involved in the same disaster recovery procedure.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_DSREPL_USER_GENERATED_ID_PLACEHOLDER

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_EXTRACT_LOGS_AFTER_DATE
        Collect log files after this date. Format "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" like "20161123143612" = 23 November 2016, 14:36 12s. Overrides --maxLogFiles

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_EXTRACT_MAX_LOG_FILES
        Maximum number of log files to collect. Ignored if --logsAfterDate is provided

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_EXTRACT_NEEDJAVAHEAPDUMP
        Specifies whether a Java Heap Dump (using jmap) should be produced. The binary file is generated at the same location as the ZIP archive before being added to it; please make sure that the target directory's volume has sufficient capacity.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_EXTRACT_NOSERVERINTERACTION
        Specifies that the tool should not interact with the server, that is no LDAP operation, and no jstack sampling

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_EXTRACT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
        The folder into which the files will be placed into

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_EXTRACT_SERVERPID
        When the server is embedded in OpenAM, there is no PID file. Therefore this option indicates the server PID of the OpenAM application server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_EXTRACT_TOOL_DESCRIPTION
        This tool collects support data from the OpenDJ instance it is bound to.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_NO_JVM_STACK_DUMP
        No JVM stack dump can be produced when the server is not running or no server interaction is allowed

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_NO_MONITORING_DATA
        No monitoring data can be collected when the server is not running or no server interaction is allowed

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_REPLICATION_CONFIGURE_UPDATING_ADS_CONTENTS
        Checking registration information

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_STATUS_CLI_USAGE_DESCRIPTION
        This utility can be used to display basic server information

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_STATUS_CONNECTION_HANDLER_TABLE_EMPTY_MSG
        There are no connection handlers setup in the server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_STATUS_CONNECT_TO_SERVER_FOR_DISKS_INFO
        Connect to the server to obtain disk space information

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_STATUS_CONNECT_TO_SERVER_FOR_JVM_INFO
        Connect to the server to obtain JVM information

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_STATUS_DISK_SPACE_TABLE_EMPTY_MSG
        No disks are monitored by the server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_STATUS_INSTALL_AND_INSTANCE_PATH_LABEL
        Installation and instance path

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_STATUS_LOCAL_BACKEND_TABLE_EMPTY_MSG
        There are no local backends setup in the server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_STATUS_PROXY_BACKEND_TABLE_EMPTY_MSG
        There are no proxy backends setup in the server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 INFO_STATUS_RUNNING_SERVER_JAVA_DETAILS_TITLE
        Running server Java details

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> INFO_TOP_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_OS
        Cannot extract process statistics (by running "top" command) on OS '%s'. Only %s dump samples will be collected

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 SUPPLEMENT_EXTRACT_TOOL_DESCRIPTION
        <xinclude:include href="description-supportextract.xml" />

        Some reversible password storage schemes are enabled in the configuration, note that it won't be possible to use them in password policies since the admin data backend has been disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_DSREPL_DR_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN_FOR_RS
        The local replication server never received changes for base DN '%s'. Make sure you are running the disaster recovery on the right server
    • Method Detail

      • resourceName

        public static String resourceName()
        Returns the name of the resource associated with the messages contained in this class. The resource name may be used for obtaining named loggers, e.g. using SLF4J's org.slf4j.LoggerFactory#getLogger(String name).
        The name of the resource associated with the messages contained in this class.