Class BackupMessages

  • public final class BackupMessages
    extends Object
    This file contains localizable message descriptors having the resource name org.opends.messages.backup. This file was generated automatically by the opendj-maven-plugin from the property file org/opends/messages/ and it should not be manually edited.
    • Field Detail


        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_BACKUP_LOCATION_DESC_FOR_READING
        Location containing backups: file-system path or URI for alternative storage mechanisms. File-system paths may be expressed as absolute or relative paths and are resolved relative to the current working directory when the tool is run in offline mode, or relative to the server instance directory when the tool is run in task mode. Read the documentation for further information regarding alternative backup storage mechanisms

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_BACKUP_LOCATION_DESC_FOR_WRITING
        Backup file-system path or URI for alternative storage mechanisms. File-system paths may be expressed as absolute or relative paths and are resolved relative to the current working directory when the tool is run in offline mode, or relative to the server instance directory when the tool is run in task mode. Read the documentation for further information regarding alternative backup storage mechanisms

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_CREATE_BACKEND_NAME_DESC
        The name of the backend to back up. Specify this option multiple times to backup multiple backends or skip this option to backup all the enabled backends that support backups

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_CREATE_DESCRIPTION
        Take encrypted and signed backups of individual backends and send them to the desired location

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_LIST_BACKEND_NAME_DESCRIPTION
        Show only backups taken from the provided backend

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_LIST_ERROR_UNIDENTIFIED_BACKUPS
        Found %s backup(s) that cannot be fully identified due to the following error(s):

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_LIST_NO_BACKUPS_WITH_REQUESTED_PROPERTIES
        There are no backups with the requested characteristics

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_LIST_NUMBER_OF_BACKUPS_WITH_REQUESTED_PROPERTIES
        Found %s backup(s) with the requested characteristics

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_LIST_SERVER_ID_DESCRIPTION
        Show only backups taken from the provided server

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.ArgN DSBACKUP_OFFLINE_DESCRIPTION_WARNING_RESTORE
        Indicates that the command will operate independently of the server process. It will run regardless of whether the server is started or stopped. When using this option with the %1$s sub-command, the server must be stopped; also as the command will write to server files, you should run the command as a user having the same filesystem permissions as the user running the server. Using this option with the %2$s sub-command when the server is running is possible and supported. With JE Backends, the integrity of the backup is ensured by the process. With LDIF backends, avoid simultaneous changes to the backends

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_PURGE_ARG_CAN_ONLY_BE_USED_WITH_OTHER_ARG
        The option '--%s' can only be used with the option '--%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_PURGE_AT_LEAST_ONE_ARG_PRESENT
        At least one of these options must be declared: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_PURGE_BACKEND_NAME_DESCRIPTION
        Purge only backups of the specified backend. Specify this option multiple times to allow purging backups of different backends. Skip this option to allow purging backups of all backends. This can only be used with options '--%s' or '--%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_PURGE_BACKUP_ID_DESCRIPTION
        The ID of the backup that should be deleted. Specify this option multiple times to purge multiple backups.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_PURGE_FORCE_OLDER_THAN_DESCRIPTION
        Must be used with the '--%s' option, indicates that the last backup of each backend can be deleted if older than the provided duration

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_PURGE_KEEP_COUNT_DESCRIPTION
        The number of backups to keep per backend. Use this option to keep the n latest backups of each backend and delete the others. If n=0, all the backups will be removed

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_PURGE_OLDER_THAN_DESCRIPTION
        Delete backups that are older than the provided duration. The latest backup of each backend will always be kept unless the '--%s' option is also provided. Duration examples: '12 hours', '3 days', '1y'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_RESTORE_BACKEND_NAME_DESCRIPTION
        Restore the last backup of the provided backend. Specify this option multiple times to restore multiple backends

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_RESTORE_BACKUP_ID_DESCRIPTION
        Restore the backup having the provided ID. Specify this option multiple times to restore multiple backends

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_RESTORE_DESCRIPTION
        Restore one or more backends. In order to decrypt and verify signatures on backup files, the server must have access to the master key pair used to encrypt and sign the files when they were created

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_STORAGE_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION
        Assigns a value to a storage property where PROP is the name of the property and VALUE is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple times in order to assign more than one value to it

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBCAKUP_LIST_VERIFY_DESCRIPTION
        Verify backups completeness, integrity and whether they can be decrypted

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_BACKUP_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR
        The backup process failed with one or more errors

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_RESTORE_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR
        The restore process failed with one or more errors

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_CREATE_FOUND_NO_BACKEND
        There are no enabled backends that support backup operation

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_CANNOT_READ_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_CONTENT
        Cannot read backup directory content: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_CREATE_REQUESTED_BACKENDS_NOT_ENABLED
        The following backends do not exist or are disabled: %s. Here is the list of enabled backends that support backups: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_CREATE_REQUESTED_BACKENDS_DO_NOT_SUPPORT_BACKUP
        The following backends do not support backups: %s. Here is the list of enabled backends that support backups: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_RESTORE_NO_BACKENDS_WITH_NAME
        The backends %s cannot be restored because they do not exist or are disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_CANNOT_RESTORE_ONLINE
        The backends %s cannot be restored while the server is running. Please stop the server first and try again with the --offline option

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_RESTORE_AMBIGUOUS_BACKUP_ID
        Found backup IDs that correspond to the same backend name: %s. Make sure each backup ID corresponds to a distinct backend

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_CLEANUP_BACKEND_DIRECTORY
        Deleting corrupted file from backend directory

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_BACKEND_FILES_REMOVED_AFTER_RESTORE_FAILURE
        The '%s' backend files have been removed after restore failed. The backend is now empty

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_CANNOT_CLEAN_BACKEND_DIRECTORY_AFTER_RESTORED_FAILED
        The attempt to remove backend files from directory '%s' has failed, backend '%s' may contain corrupted data, please remove the files manually.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_CANNOT_COMPUTE_BACKEND_FILE_FINGERPRINT
        Cannot compute the fingerprint for backend file '%s': %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_CREATE_CANNOT_LOCK_BACKEND
        Cannot acquire a shared lock for backend '%s': %s. This generally means that some other process has exclusive access to this backend (e.g., a restore or an LDIF import).

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_CREATE_CANNOT_UNLOCK_BACKEND
        Cannot release the shared lock for backend '%s': %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the backup process exits, so no further action should be required

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_RESTORE_CANNOT_LOCK_BACKEND
        Cannot acquire an exclusive lock for backend '%s': %s. This generally means some other process is still using this backend (e.g., it is in use by the Directory Server or a backup or LDIF export is in progress).

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_RESTORE_CANNOT_UNLOCK_BACKEND
        Cannot release the exclusive lock for backend '%s': %s. This lock should automatically be cleared when the restore process exits, so no further action should be required

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Number> DSBACKUP_PURGE_KEEPCOUNT_ARG_ILLEGAL_VALUE
        '%d' is not allowed: the value must be equal or greater than 0

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 DSBACKUP_PURGE_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR
        Backup purge process failed with one or more errors

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> DSBACKUP_STORAGE_PROPERTY_ARG_ONLY_ONE_VALUE
        The storage property '%s' has several values while it can have only one. The provided properties string was: "%s"

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_INVALID_BACKUP_ID_NO_UNDERSCORE
        Backup id '%s' is invalid: expected to find an underscore in it

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_ERROR_RESTORE_READING_BACKUP_LIST
        Cannot continue the restore process, errors were encountered while reading the list of available backups: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> DSBACKUP_ERROR_PURGE_READING_BACKUP_LIST
        Cannot continue purging backups, errors were encountered while reading the list of available backups: %s
    • Method Detail

      • resourceName

        public static String resourceName()
        Returns the name of the resource associated with the messages contained in this class. The resource name may be used for obtaining named loggers, e.g. using SLF4J's org.slf4j.LoggerFactory#getLogger(String name).
        The name of the resource associated with the messages contained in this class.