Class MeterRegistryHolder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class MeterRegistryHolder
    extends Object
    implements MeterRegistry
    Decorator for a meter registry. It can:
    • prefix the dimensional meter names for added meters
    • prefix the hierarchical meter names for added meters (via the hierarchicalNamePrefix(String) method)
    • add additional tags for added meters
    • forward the meter creation to the decorated MeterRegistry
    • compute the LDAP attribute names and types and keep them for later retrieval

    Tags and attribute types

    For adding tags, a simple rule of thumb is to add component names as tags.

    Generally, tag pairs (keys + values) are also used in the Dn of the monitor provider. Most of the Rdns will typically use cn attribute type, but for some of them you might want to use another attribute type. A simple rule of thumb is: whatever used as tag could have its own attribute type.

    Use of factory methods

    The various *Gauge factory methods help create gauges in the underlying MeterRegistry.

    The monitoringGauge(String, Supplier) method may be used to only output a metric to cn=monitor and derived monitoring systems (and NOT to the following endpoints: prometheus, graphite, crest metrics, etc.).

    • Field Detail


        public static final String TAG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME
        The tag to use to map the ldap name.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • MeterRegistryHolder

        public MeterRegistryHolder​(String dimensionalNamePrefix,
                                   MeterRegistry registry)
        Constructor for this class.
        dimensionalNamePrefix - prefix for the dimensional metric names. It will be used as a prefix for the hierarchical metric names, unless a different one is set using hierarchicalNamePrefix(String).
        registry - the decorated registry
    • Method Detail

      • hierarchicalNamePrefix

        public MeterRegistryHolder hierarchicalNamePrefix​(String hierarchicalNamePrefix)
        Sets the prefix for the hierarchical metric names.
        hierarchicalNamePrefix - the hierarchical name prefix to use
        this object
      • tag

        public MeterRegistryHolder tag​(String key,
                                       String value)
        Adds a tag that will be automatically added to all meters registered against this meter registry.
        key - the tag's key
        value - the tag's value
        this meter registry
      • getAttributeName

        public static String getAttributeName​(String meterName)
        Returns the LDAP attribute name corresponding to this meter name. This method prefixes the provided meterName with ds-mon-.
        meterName - the meter name to prefix
        the LDAP attribute name corresponding to this meter name.
      • booleanGauge

        public void booleanGauge​(String name,
                                 Supplier<Boolean> valueFunction)
        Creates both an object gauge that is never added to the parent meter registry (it only appears in ldap meters), and a gauge returning a double that will be added to the parent meter registry converting the Boolean to a double.
        • true is converted to 1
        • false is converted to 0
        name - the metric name
        valueFunction - a function which returns any object which will be converted to String
      • booleanGauge

        public void booleanGauge​(String name,
                                 String ldapAttributeName,
                                 Supplier<Boolean> valueFunction)
        Creates both an object gauge that is never added to the parent meter registry (it only appears in ldap meters), and a gauge returning a double that will be added to the parent meter registry converting the Boolean to a double.
        • true is converted to 1
        • false is converted to 0
        name - the metric name
        ldapAttributeName - the LDAP attribute name
        valueFunction - a function which returns any object which will be converted to String
      • dateTimeGauge

        public void dateTimeGauge​(String name,
                                  Supplier<GeneralizedTime> valueFunction)
        Creates both an object gauge that is never added to the parent meter registry (it only appears in ldap meters), and a gauge returning a double that will be added to the parent meter registry converting the GeneralizedTime to a double by using the GeneralizedTime.getTimeInMillis() function.
        name - the metric name
        valueFunction - a function which returns a GeneralizedTime object that will be converted to String
      • dateTimeGauge

        public void dateTimeGauge​(String name,
                                  String ldapAttributeName,
                                  Supplier<GeneralizedTime> valueFunction)
        Creates both an object gauge that is never added to the parent meter registry (it only appears in ldap meters), and a gauge returning a double that will be added to the parent meter registry converting the GeneralizedTime to a double by using the GeneralizedTime.getTimeInMillis() function.
        name - the metric name
        ldapAttributeName - the LDAP attribute name
        valueFunction - a function which returns a GeneralizedTime object that will be converted to String
      • durationGauge

        public void durationGauge​(String name,
                                  Supplier<Duration> valueFunction)
        Creates both an object gauge that is never added to the parent meter registry (it only appears in ldap meters), and a gauge returning a double that will be added to the parent meter registry converting the Duration using the Duration.toMillis() method.
        name - the metric name
        valueFunction - a function which returns a Duration object that will be converted to String
      • doubleGauge

        public void doubleGauge​(String name,
                                DoubleSupplier valueFunction)
        Convenience method that creates a gauge returning a double that will be added to the parent meter registry.
        name - the metric name
        valueFunction - a function which returns any object which will be converted to String
      • numberGauge

        public <V extends Number> void numberGauge​(String name,
                                                   Supplier<V> valueFunction)
        Creates both an object gauge that is never added to the parent meter registry (it only appears in ldap meters), and a gauge returning a double that will be added to the parent meter registry converting the Number to a double by using the Number.doubleValue() function.
        Type Parameters:
        V - type of the value returned by the valueFunction provided
        name - the metric name
        valueFunction - a function which returns any object which will be converted to String
      • stateSet

        public <T extends Enum<T>> void stateSet​(String name,
                                                 Supplier<T> stateSupplier)
        Creates both a metric, containing the actual state value, that is never added to the parent meter registry (it only appears in ldap meters), and a gauge for each state that will be added to the parent meter registry. The gauges return 1 when the evaluated state is the actual one and return 0 otherwise.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the enum listing the possible states
        name - the metric name, also used as a dimension holding the evaluated state's value
        stateSupplier - function returning the actual state
      • monitoringGauge

        public <V> void monitoringGauge​(String name,
                                        Supplier<V> valueFunction)
        Creates an object gauge that is never added to the parent meter registry (it only appears in ldap meters).

        In particular, this method may be used to only output a metric to cn=monitor and derived monitoring systems (rather than the following endpoints: prometheus, graphite, crest metrics, etc.).

        Type Parameters:
        V - type of the value returned by the valueFunction provided
        name - the metric name
        valueFunction - a function which returns any object which will be converted to String
      • gauge

        public <T> Gauge gauge​(Meter.Id id,
                               T obj,
                               ToDoubleFunction<T> valueFunction)
        Description copied from interface: MeterRegistry
        Specified by:
        gauge in interface MeterRegistry
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
        id - The identifier for this gauge.
        obj - State object used to compute a value.
        valueFunction - Function that is applied on the value for the number.
        A new or existing long task timer.
      • gauge

        public Gauge gauge​(String name,
                           Number number)
        Register a gauge that reports the value of the Number.
        name - Name of the gauge being registered.
        number - Thread-safe implementation of Number used to access the value.
        The number that was passed in so the registration can be done as part of an assignment statement.
      • counter

        public Counter counter​(String name)
        Tracks a monotonically increasing value.
        name - The base metric name
        A new or existing counter.
      • timer

        public Timer timer​(String name)
        Measures the time taken for short tasks and the count of these tasks.
        name - The base metric name
        A new or existing timer.
      • summary

        public DistributionSummary summary​(String name)
        Measures the distribution of samples.
        name - The base metric name
        A new or existing distribution summary.
      • register

        public Meter register​(Meter.Id id,
                              Meter.Type type,
                              Iterable<Measurement> measurements)
        Description copied from interface: MeterRegistry
        Register a custom meter type.
        Specified by:
        register in interface MeterRegistry
        id - Id of the meter being registered.
        type - Meter type, which may be used by naming conventions to normalize the name.
        measurements - A sequence of measurements describing how to sample the meter.
        The registry.
      • deregisterMatching

        public void deregisterMatching​(MeterFilter filter)
        Description copied from interface: MeterRegistry
        Deregister meters matching the provided filter.
        Specified by:
        deregisterMatching in interface MeterRegistry
        filter - a non-null meter filter
      • more

        public MeterRegistry.More more()
        Description copied from interface: MeterRegistry
        Access to less frequently used meter types and patterns.
        Specified by:
        more in interface MeterRegistry
        Access to additional meter types and patterns.
      • getLdapMeters

        public Map<String,​Meter> getLdapMeters()
        Returns a Map from ldap attribute names to the corresponding meters.
        a Map from ldap attribute names to the corresponding meters
      • deregisterAll

        public void deregisterAll()
        Deregisters all the meters registered through this registry. This includes:
        • the meters registered against the parent registry
        • the ldap meters