Class PluginResult.IntermediateResponse

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class PluginResult.IntermediateResponse
    extends Object
    implements PluginResult.OperationResult
    Defines an intermediate response plugin result for core server operation processing consisting of either continue, skip further plugins, or stop operation processing with a result code, matched DN, referral URLs, and error message.
    • Method Detail

      • continueOperationProcessing

        public static PluginResult.IntermediateResponse continueOperationProcessing​(boolean sendResponse)
        Defines a continue processing intermediate response plugin result.
        sendResponse - Whether to send the intermediate response to the client.
        a continue processing intermediate response plugin result.
      • skipFurtherPluginProcesssing

        public static PluginResult.IntermediateResponse skipFurtherPluginProcesssing​(boolean sendResponse)
        Defines a skip further plugin processing intermediate response plugin result.
        sendResponse - Whether to send the intermediate response to the client.
        a skip further plugin processing intermediate response plugin result.
      • stopProcessing

        public static PluginResult.IntermediateResponse stopProcessing​(boolean sendResponse,
                                                                       ResultCode resultCode,
                                                                       LocalizableMessage errorMessage,
                                                                       Dn matchedDN,
                                                                       List<String> referralURLs)
        Defines a new stop processing intermediate response plugin result.
        sendResponse - Whether to send the intermediate response to the client.
        resultCode - The result code for this result.
        errorMessage - An message explaining why processing should stop.
        matchedDN - The matched DN for this result.
        referralURLs - The set of referral URLs for this result.
        a new stop processing intermediate response plugin result.
      • stopProcessing

        public static PluginResult.IntermediateResponse stopProcessing​(boolean sendResponse,
                                                                       ResultCode resultCode,
                                                                       LocalizableMessage errorMessage)
        Constructs a new stop processing intermediate response plugin result.
        sendResponse - Whether to send the intermediate response to the client.
        resultCode - The result code for this result.
        errorMessage - An message explaining why processing should stop.
        a new stop processing intermediate response plugin result.
      • continueProcessing

        public boolean continueProcessing()
        Description copied from interface: PluginResult.OperationResult
        Indicates whether processing on the associated operation should continue.
        Specified by:
        continueProcessing in interface PluginResult.OperationResult
        true if processing on the associated operation should continue, or false if it should stop.
      • continuePluginProcessing

        public boolean continuePluginProcessing()
        Whether to invoke the rest of the plugins.
        true if the rest of the plugins should be invoked for false to skip the rest of the plugins.
      • sendResponse

        public boolean sendResponse()
        Whether to send the intermediate response to the client.
        true if the intermediate response should be sent to the client or false otherwise.