Class Target

  • public final class Target
    extends Object
    A class representing an ACI target keyword.
    • Method Detail

      • decode

        public static Target decode​(EnumTargetOperator operator,
                                    String expr,
                                    Dn aciDN)
                             throws AciException
        Decode an expression string representing a target keyword expression.
        operator - An enumeration of the operation of this target.
        expr - A string representation of the target.
        aciDN - The DN of the ACI entry used for a descendant check.
        A Target class representing this target.
        AciException - If the expression string is invalid.
      • getOperator

        public EnumTargetOperator getOperator()
        Returns the operator of this expression.
        An enumeration of the operation value.
      • getDN

        public Dn getDN()
        Returns the URL DN of the expression.
        A DN of the URL or null if the URL contained a DN pattern.
      • isPattern

        public boolean isPattern()
        Returns boolean if a pattern was seen during parsing.
        True if the URL contained a DN pattern.
      • matchesPattern

        public boolean matchesPattern​(Dn dn,
                                      Schema schema)
        This method tries to match a pattern against a DN.
        dn - The DN to try an match.
        schema - The schema
        True if the pattern matches.