Interface Importer

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable

    public interface Importer
    extends Closeable
    Allows to run an import. For performance reasons, imports are run without transactions.

    Since import is multi threaded, implementations must be thread-safe.

    • Method Detail

      • clearTree

        void clearTree​(TreeName treeName)
        Clears the tree whose name is provided. Ensures that an empty tree with the given name exists. If the tree already exists, all the data it contains will be deleted. If not, an empty tree will be created.
        treeName - name of the tree to clear
      • put

        void put​(TreeName treeName,
                 ByteSequence key,
                 ByteSequence value)
        Creates a record with the provided key and value in the tree identified by the provided name. At the end of this method, the record is visible by read(TreeName, ByteSequence) and openCursor(TreeName) methods of this instance. The record is guaranteed to be persisted only after close().
        treeName - the tree name
        key - the new record's key
        value - the new record's value
      • read

        ByteString read​(TreeName treeName,
                        ByteSequence key)
        Reads the record's value associated to the provided key, in the tree whose name is provided.
        treeName - the tree name
        key - the record's key
        the record's value, or null if none exists