Class ServerStartMsg

  • public final class ServerStartMsg
    extends StartMsg
    This message is used by LDAP server when they first connect. to a replication server to let them know who they are and what is their state (their RUV)
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerStartMsg

        public ServerStartMsg​(ReplicaId replicaId,
                              com.forgerock.opendj.util.HostPort adminEndpoint,
                              Dn baseDN,
                              long heartbeatInterval,
                              ServerState serverState,
                              GenerationId generationId,
                              boolean sslEncryption,
                              com.forgerock.opendj.discovery.GroupId groupId)
        Creates a new ServerStartMsg. This message is to be sent by an LDAP Server after being connected to a replication server for a given replication domain.
        replicaId - The replicaId of the server for which the ServerStartMsg is created.
        adminEndpoint - directory server host port
        baseDN - The base DN.
        heartbeatInterval - The requested heartbeat interval.
        serverState - The state of this server.
        generationId - The generationId for this server.
        sslEncryption - Whether to continue using SSL to encrypt messages after the start messages have been exchanged.
        groupId - The group id of the DS for this DN
    • Method Detail

      • getReplicaId

        public ReplicaId getReplicaId()
        Get the replica ID from the message.
        the replica ID
      • getAdminEndpoint

        public com.forgerock.opendj.util.HostPort getAdminEndpoint()
        Get the server host port from the message.
        the server host port
      • getBaseDN

        public Dn getBaseDN()
        Get the baseDN.
        Returns the baseDN.
      • getServerState

        public ServerState getServerState()
        Get the ServerState.
        The ServerState.
      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes​(short protocolVersion)
        Description copied from class: ReplicationMsg
        Serializes the PDU using the provided replication protocol version. WARNING: should be overwritten by a PDU (sub class) we want to support older protocol version serialization for.
        Specified by:
        getBytes in class ReplicationMsg
        protocolVersion - The protocol version to use for serialization. The version should normally be older than the current one.
        The encoded PDU, or null if the message isn't supported in that protocol version.
      • getHeartbeatInterval

        public long getHeartbeatInterval()
        Get the heartbeat interval requested by the ldap server that created the message.
        The heartbeat interval requested by the ldap server that created the message.
      • getSSLEncryption

        public boolean getSSLEncryption()
        Get the SSL encryption value for the ldap server that created the message.
        The SSL encryption value for the ldap server that created the message.