Class StartMsg

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    ReplServerStartDSMsg, ReplServerStartMsg, ServerStartMsg

    public abstract class StartMsg
    extends ReplicationMsg
    This abstract message class is the superclass for start messages used by LDAP servers and Replication servers to initiate their communications. This class specifies a message header that contains the Replication Protocol version.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int MAX_WINDOW_SIZE
        The window size that will be sent to remote peers. The parameter is ignored from protocol version 9 onwards.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • protocolVersion

        protected short protocolVersion
        Protocol version.
      • generationId

        protected GenerationId generationId
        Generation id of data set we want to work with.
      • groupId

        protected com.forgerock.opendj.discovery.GroupId groupId
        Group id of the replicated domain.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StartMsg

        protected StartMsg()
        Create a new StartMsg.
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public short getVersion()
        Get the version included in the Start message mean the replication protocol version used by the server that created the message.
        The version used by the server that created the message.
      • getGenerationId

        public GenerationId getGenerationId()
        Get the generationId from this message.
        The generationId.
      • getGroupId

        public com.forgerock.opendj.discovery.GroupId getGroupId()
        Get the group id in this message.
        The group id in this message
      • setGroupId

        public void setGroupId​(com.forgerock.opendj.discovery.GroupId groupId)
        Set the group id in this message (For test purpose).
        groupId - The group id to set.