Class AbsoluteInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of values represented by this provider.

    public final class AbsoluteInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider<T>
    extends DefaultBehaviorProvider<T>
    A default behavior provider which retrieves default values from a managed object in an absolute location. It should be used by properties which inherit their default value(s) from properties held in an other managed object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbsoluteInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider

        public AbsoluteInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider​(String pathString,
                                                        String propertyName)
        Create an absolute inherited default behavior provider associated with the managed object at the specified absolute location.
        pathString - The string representation of the managed object path specifying the absolute location of the managed object.
        propertyName - The name of the property containing the inherited default values.
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public <R,​P> R accept​(DefaultBehaviorProviderVisitor<T,​R,​P> v,
                                    P p)
        Description copied from class: DefaultBehaviorProvider
        Apply a visitor to this default behavior provider.
        Specified by:
        accept in class DefaultBehaviorProvider<T>
        Type Parameters:
        R - The return type of the visitor's methods.
        P - The type of the additional parameters to the visitor's methods.
        v - The default behavior visitor.
        p - Optional additional visitor parameter.
        Returns a result as specified by the visitor.
      • getManagedObjectDefinition

        public AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,​?> getManagedObjectDefinition()
        Get the definition of the parent managed object containing the inherited default values.
        Returns the definition of the parent managed object containing the inherited default values.
      • getManagedObjectPath

        public ManagedObjectPath<?,​?> getManagedObjectPath()
        Get the absolute path of the managed object containing the property which has the default values.
        Returns the absolute path of the managed object containing the property which has the default values.
      • getPropertyName

        public String getPropertyName()
        Gets the name of the property containing the inherited default values.
        Returns the name of the property containing the inherited default values.