Class ManagedObjectDefinitionI18nResource

  • public final class ManagedObjectDefinitionI18nResource
    extends Object
    A class for retrieving internationalized resource properties associated with a managed object definition.

    I18N resource properties are not available for the TopCfgDefn.

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static ManagedObjectDefinitionI18nResource getInstance()
        Gets the internationalized resource instance which can be used to retrieve the localized descriptions for the managed objects and their associated properties and relations.
        Returns the I18N resource instance.
      • getInstanceForProfile

        public static ManagedObjectDefinitionI18nResource getInstanceForProfile​(String profile)
        Gets the internationalized resource instance for the named profile.
        profile - The name of the profile.
        Returns the I18N resource instance for the named profile.
      • getMessage

        public LocalizableMessage getMessage​(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,​?> d,
                                             String key,
                                             String... args)
        Get the parameterized internationalized message associated with the specified key in the default locale.
        d - The managed object definition.
        key - The resource key.
        args - Arguments that should be inserted into the retrieved message.
        Returns the internationalized message associated with the specified key in the default locale.
        MissingResourceException - If the key was not found.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If the provided managed object definition was the TopCfgDefn.