Class MatchingRule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class MatchingRule
    extends Object
    This class defines a data structure for storing and interacting with matching rules, which are used by servers to compare attribute values against assertion values when performing Search and Compare operations. They are also used to identify the value to be added or deleted when modifying entries, and are used when comparing a purported distinguished name with the name of an entry.

    Matching rule implementations must extend the MatchingRuleImplementation class so they can be used by OpenDJ.

    Where ordered sets of names, or extra properties are provided, the ordering will be preserved when the associated fields are accessed via their getters or via the Object.toString() methods.

    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Returns true if the provided object is a matching rule having the same numeric OID as this matching rule.
        o - The object to be compared.
        true if the provided object is a matching rule having the same numeric OID as this matching rule.
      • getAssertion

        public Assertion getAssertion​(ByteString assertionValue)
                               throws DecodeException
        Compiles the provided assertion value as an Assertion suitable for use with equalityMatch, approxMatch and extensibleMatch search filters.
        assertionValue - The assertion value.
        The compiled assertion.
        DecodeException - If the assertion value does not conform to the matching rule's assertion syntax.
      • getSubstringAssertion

        public Assertion getSubstringAssertion​(ByteString subInitial,
                                               List<ByteString> subAnyElements,
                                               ByteString subFinal)
                                        throws DecodeException
        Compiles the provided substring assertion fragments as an Assertion suitable for use with substrings search filters.
        subInitial - The substring value fragment that should appear at the beginning of the target value.
        subAnyElements - The substring value fragments that should appear in the middle of the target value.
        subFinal - The substring value fragment that should appear at the end of the target value.
        The compiled substring assertion.
        DecodeException - If the assertion value fragments do not conform to the matching rule's assertion syntax or if the matching rule does not support substring matching.
      • getOrderingAssertion

        public Assertion getOrderingAssertion​(ByteString lower,
                                              ByteString upper,
                                              boolean lowerIncluded,
                                              boolean upperIncluded)
                                       throws DecodeException
        Compiles the provided ordering assertion value range as an Assertion suitable for use with ordering search filters, including greaterOrEqual and lessOrEqual.
        lower - The lower bound assertion value, or null if there is no lower bound and the range will start from the smallest key.
        upper - The upper bound assertion value to be normalized, or null if there is no upper bound and the range will end at the largest key.
        lowerIncluded - true if a key exactly matching the lower bound is included in the range, false if only keys strictly greater than the lower bound are included. This value is ignored if the lower bound is not specified.
        upperIncluded - true if a key exactly matching the upper bound is included in the range, false if only keys strictly less than the upper bound are included. This value is ignored if the upper bound is not specified.
        The compiled ordering assertion.
        DecodeException - If the upper or lower bounds do not conform to the matching rule's assertion syntax or if the matching rule does not support ordering matching.
      • getGreaterOrEqualAssertion

        public Assertion getGreaterOrEqualAssertion​(ByteString assertionValue)
                                             throws DecodeException
        Compiles the provided ordering assertion value as an Assertion suitable for use with greaterOrEqual search filters.
        assertionValue - The lower bound assertion value, which values must be greater than or equal to.
        The compiled ordering assertion.
        DecodeException - If the assertion value does not conform to the matching rule's assertion syntax or if the matching rule does not support ordering matching.
      • getLessOrEqualAssertion

        public Assertion getLessOrEqualAssertion​(ByteString assertionValue)
                                          throws DecodeException
        Compiles the provided ordering assertion value as an Assertion suitable for use with lessOrEqual search filters.
        assertionValue - The upper bound assertion value, which values must be less than or equal to.
        The compiled ordering assertion.
        DecodeException - If the assertion value does not conform to the matching rule's assertion syntax or if the matching rule does not support ordering matching.
      • createIndexers

        public Collection<? extends Indexer> createIndexers​(IndexingOptions options)
        Returns the indexers for this matching rule configured using the provided indexing options.
        options - The indexing options
        the collection of indexers for this matching rule.
      • getNameOrOid

        public String getNameOrOid()
        Returns the name or OID for this schema definition. If it has one or more names, then the primary name will be returned. If it does not have any names, then the OID will be returned.
        The name or OID for this schema definition.
      • getNames

        public List<String> getNames()
        Returns an unmodifiable list containing the user-defined names that may be used to reference this schema definition.
        Returns an unmodifiable list containing the user-defined names that may be used to reference this schema definition.
      • getOid

        public String getOid()
        Returns the OID for this schema definition.
        The OID for this schema definition.
      • getAssertionSyntax

        public Syntax getAssertionSyntax()
        Returns the OID of the assertion value syntax with which this matching rule is associated.
        The OID of the assertion value syntax with which this matching rule is associated.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code for this matching rule. It will be calculated as the hash code of the numeric OID.
        The hash code for this matching rule.
      • hasName

        public boolean hasName​(String name)
        Indicates whether this schema definition has the specified name.
        name - The name for which to make the determination.
        true if the specified name is assigned to this schema definition, or false if not.
      • hasNameOrOid

        public boolean hasNameOrOid​(String value)
        Indicates whether this schema definition has the specified name or OID.
        value - The value for which to make the determination.
        true if the provided value matches the OID or one of the names assigned to this schema definition, or false if not.
      • isObsolete

        public boolean isObsolete()
        Indicates whether this schema definition is declared "obsolete".
        true if this schema definition is declared "obsolete", or false if not.
      • normalizeAttributeValue

        public ByteString normalizeAttributeValue​(ByteString value)
                                           throws DecodeException
        Returns the normalized form of the provided attribute value, which is best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on that value. The returned normalized representation can be compared for equality with other values normalized with this matching rule using ByteString.equals(Object). In addition, normalized values can be compared using ByteString.compareTo(ByteString), although the sort order is only defined for ordering matching rules.
        value - The attribute value to be normalized.
        The normalized version of the provided attribute value.
        DecodeException - If the syntax of the value is not valid.
      • getDescription

        public final String getDescription()
        Description copied from interface: SchemaElement
        Returns the description of this schema element, or the empty string if it does not have a description.
        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface SchemaElement
        The description of this schema element, or the empty string if it does not have a description.
      • getExtraProperties

        public final Map<String,​List<String>> getExtraProperties()
        Description copied from interface: SchemaElement
        Returns an unmodifiable map containing all of the extra properties associated with this schema element.
        Specified by:
        getExtraProperties in interface SchemaElement
        An unmodifiable map containing all of the extra properties associated with this schema element.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns the string representation of this schema element as defined in RFC 2252.
        toString in class Object
        The string representation of this schema element as defined in RFC 2252.