Class Syntax

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Syntax
    extends Object
    This class defines a data structure for storing and interacting with an LDAP syntaxes, which constrain the structure of attribute values stored in an LDAP directory, and determine the representation of attribute and assertion values transferred in the LDAP protocol.

    Syntax implementations must extend the SyntaxImpl interface so they can be used by OpenDJ to validate attribute values.

    Where ordered sets of names, or extra properties are provided, the ordering will be preserved when the associated fields are accessed via their getters or via the Object.toString() methods.

    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Returns true if the provided object is an attribute syntax having the same numeric OID as this attribute syntax.
        o - The object to be compared.
        true if the provided object is an attribute syntax having the same numeric OID as this attribute syntax.
      • getApproximateMatchingRule

        public MatchingRule getApproximateMatchingRule()
        Retrieves the default approximate matching rule that will be used for attributes with this syntax.
        The default approximate matching rule that will be used for attributes with this syntax, or null if approximate matches will not be allowed for this type by default.
      • getEqualityMatchingRule

        public MatchingRule getEqualityMatchingRule()
        Retrieves the default equality matching rule that will be used for attributes with this syntax.
        The default equality matching rule that will be used for attributes with this syntax, or null if equality matches will not be allowed for this type by default.
      • getOid

        public String getOid()
        Retrieves the OID for this attribute syntax.
        The OID for this attribute syntax.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Retrieves the name for this attribute syntax.
        The name for this attribute syntax.
      • getOrderingMatchingRule

        public MatchingRule getOrderingMatchingRule()
        Retrieves the default ordering matching rule that will be used for attributes with this syntax.
        The default ordering matching rule that will be used for attributes with this syntax, or null if ordering matches will not be allowed for this type by default.
      • getSubstringMatchingRule

        public MatchingRule getSubstringMatchingRule()
        Retrieves the default substring matching rule that will be used for attributes with this syntax.
        The default substring matching rule that will be used for attributes with this syntax, or null if substring matches will not be allowed for this type by default.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code for this attribute syntax. It will be calculated as the hash code of the numeric OID.
        The hash code for this attribute syntax.
      • isBerEncodingRequired

        public boolean isBerEncodingRequired()
        Indicates whether this attribute syntax requires that values must be encoded using the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) used by X.500 directories and always include the binary attribute description option.
        true this attribute syntax requires that values must be BER encoded and always include the binary attribute description option, or false if not.
        See Also:
        RFC 4522 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): The Binary Encoding Option
      • isHumanReadable

        public boolean isHumanReadable()
        Indicates whether this attribute syntax would likely be a human readable string.
        true if this attribute syntax would likely be a human readable string or false if not.
      • valueIsAcceptable

        public boolean valueIsAcceptable​(ByteString value,
                                         LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
        Indicates whether the provided value is acceptable for use in an attribute with this syntax. If it is not, then the reason may be appended to the provided buffer.
        value - The value for which to make the determination.
        invalidReason - The buffer to which the invalid reason should be appended.
        true if the provided value is acceptable for use with this syntax, or false if not.
      • toJson

        public Object toJson​(ByteString value)
        Encodes the JSON representation of an attribute value with this syntax.
        value - The attribute value to be encoded.
        The encoded JSON representation.
        LocalizedIllegalArgumentException - If the provided attribute value does not conform to this syntax.
      • fromJson

        public ByteString fromJson​(Object value)
        Decodes the JSON representation of an attribute value with this syntax.
        value - The JSON representation to be decoded.
        The decoded attribute value.
        LocalizedIllegalArgumentException - If the provided JSON value does not conform to this syntax.
      • toJsonSchema

        public Map<String,​Object> toJsonSchema()
        Returns the JSON schema describing this syntax.
        The JSON schema.
      • getDescription

        public final String getDescription()
        Description copied from interface: SchemaElement
        Returns the description of this schema element, or the empty string if it does not have a description.
        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface SchemaElement
        The description of this schema element, or the empty string if it does not have a description.
      • getExtraProperties

        public final Map<String,​List<String>> getExtraProperties()
        Description copied from interface: SchemaElement
        Returns an unmodifiable map containing all of the extra properties associated with this schema element.
        Specified by:
        getExtraProperties in interface SchemaElement
        An unmodifiable map containing all of the extra properties associated with this schema element.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns the string representation of this schema element as defined in RFC 2252.
        toString in class Object
        The string representation of this schema element as defined in RFC 2252.