Interface JmxConnectionHandlerCfgClient

    • Method Detail

      • getJavaClass

        ValueOrExpression<String> getJavaClass()
        Gets the "java-class" property.

        Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the JMX Connection Handler implementation.

        Default value: org.opends.server.protocols.jmx.JmxConnectionHandler

        Specified by:
        getJavaClass in interface ConnectionHandlerCfgClient
        Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
      • getKeyManagerProvider

        ValueOrExpression<String> getKeyManagerProvider()
        Gets the "key-manager-provider" property.

        Specifies the name of the key manager that should be used with this JMX Connection Handler .

        Default value is undefined

        Returns the value of the "key-manager-provider" property.
      • setKeyManagerProvider

        void setKeyManagerProvider​(ValueOrExpression<String> value)
                            throws PropertyException
        Sets the "key-manager-provider" property.

        Specifies the name of the key manager that should be used with this JMX Connection Handler .

        value - The value of the "key-manager-provider" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getListenAddress

        ValueOrExpression<com.forgerock.opendj.util.Host> getListenAddress()
        Gets the "listen-address" property.

        Specifies the address on which this JMX Connection Handler should listen for connections from JMX clients.

        If no value is provided, then the JMX Connection Handler listens on all interfaces.

        Default value:

        Returns the value of the "listen-address" property.
      • setListenAddress

        void setListenAddress​(ValueOrExpression<com.forgerock.opendj.util.Host> value)
                       throws PropertyException
        Sets the "listen-address" property.

        Specifies the address on which this JMX Connection Handler should listen for connections from JMX clients.

        If no value is provided, then the JMX Connection Handler listens on all interfaces.

        value - The value of the "listen-address" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getListenPort

        ValueOrExpression<Integer> getListenPort()
        Gets the "listen-port" property.

        Specifies the port number on which the JMX Connection Handler will listen for connections from clients.

        Only a single port number may be provided.

        Returns the value of the "listen-port" property.
      • setListenPort

        void setListenPort​(ValueOrExpression<Integer> value)
                    throws PropertyException
        Sets the "listen-port" property.

        Specifies the port number on which the JMX Connection Handler will listen for connections from clients.

        Only a single port number may be provided.

        value - The value of the "listen-port" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getRmiPort

        ValueOrExpression<Integer> getRmiPort()
        Gets the "rmi-port" property.

        Specifies the port number on which the JMX RMI service will listen for connections from clients. A value of 0 indicates the service to choose a port of its own.

        If the value provided is different than 0, the value will be used as the RMI port. Otherwise, the RMI service will choose a port of its own.

        Default value: 0

        Returns the value of the "rmi-port" property.
      • setRmiPort

        void setRmiPort​(ValueOrExpression<Integer> value)
                 throws PropertyException
        Sets the "rmi-port" property.

        Specifies the port number on which the JMX RMI service will listen for connections from clients. A value of 0 indicates the service to choose a port of its own.

        If the value provided is different than 0, the value will be used as the RMI port. Otherwise, the RMI service will choose a port of its own.

        value - The value of the "rmi-port" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      • getSslCertNickname

        SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getSslCertNickname()
        Gets the "ssl-cert-nickname" property.

        Specifies the nicknames (also called the aliases) of the keys or key pairs that the JMX Connection Handler should use when performing SSL communication.

        The property can be used multiple times (referencing different nicknames) when server certificates with different public key algorithms are used in parallel (for example, RSA, DSA, and ECC-based algorithms). When a nickname refers to an asymmetric (public/private) key pair, the nickname for the public key certificate and associated private key entry must match exactly. A single nickname is used to retrieve both the public key and the private key. This is only applicable when the JMX Connection Handler is configured to use SSL.

        Returns the values of the "ssl-cert-nickname" property.
      • setSslCertNickname

        void setSslCertNickname​(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values)
                         throws PropertyException
        Sets the "ssl-cert-nickname" property.

        Specifies the nicknames (also called the aliases) of the keys or key pairs that the JMX Connection Handler should use when performing SSL communication.

        The property can be used multiple times (referencing different nicknames) when server certificates with different public key algorithms are used in parallel (for example, RSA, DSA, and ECC-based algorithms). When a nickname refers to an asymmetric (public/private) key pair, the nickname for the public key certificate and associated private key entry must match exactly. A single nickname is used to retrieve both the public key and the private key. This is only applicable when the JMX Connection Handler is configured to use SSL.

        values - The values of the "ssl-cert-nickname" property.
        PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
      • isUseSsl

        ValueOrExpression<Boolean> isUseSsl()
        Gets the "use-ssl" property.

        Indicates whether the JMX Connection Handler should use SSL.

        If enabled, the JMX Connection Handler will use SSL to encrypt communication with the clients.

        Default value: false

        Returns the value of the "use-ssl" property.
      • setUseSsl

        void setUseSsl​(ValueOrExpression<Boolean> value)
                throws PropertyException
        Sets the "use-ssl" property.

        Indicates whether the JMX Connection Handler should use SSL.

        If enabled, the JMX Connection Handler will use SSL to encrypt communication with the clients.

        value - The value of the "use-ssl" property.
        PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.