Class LastModPluginCfgDefn

  • public final class LastModPluginCfgDefn
    extends ManagedObjectDefinition<LastModPluginCfgClient,​LastModPluginCfg>
    An interface for querying the Last Mod Plugin managed object definition meta information.

    The Last Mod Plugin is used to ensure that the creatorsName and createTimestamp attributes are included in an entry whenever it is added to the server and also to ensure that the modifiersName and modifyTimestamp attributes are updated whenever an entry is modified or renamed.

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static LastModPluginCfgDefn getInstance()
        Get the Last Mod Plugin configuration definition singleton.
        Returns the Last Mod Plugin configuration definition singleton.
      • getEnabledPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getEnabledPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "enabled" property definition.

        Indicates whether the plug-in is enabled for use.

        Returns the "enabled" property definition.
      • getInvokeForInternalOperationsPropertyDefinition

        public BooleanPropertyDefinition getInvokeForInternalOperationsPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "invoke-for-internal-operations" property definition.

        Indicates whether the plug-in should be invoked for internal operations.

        Any plug-in that can be invoked for internal operations must ensure that it does not create any new internal operations that can cause the same plug-in to be re-invoked.

        Returns the "invoke-for-internal-operations" property definition.
      • getJavaClassPropertyDefinition

        public ClassPropertyDefinition getJavaClassPropertyDefinition()
        Get the "java-class" property definition.

        Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the plug-in implementation.

        Returns the "java-class" property definition.
      • getPluginTypePropertyDefinition

        public EnumPropertyDefinition<PluginCfgDefn.PluginType> getPluginTypePropertyDefinition()
        Get the "plugin-type" property definition.

        Specifies the set of plug-in types for the plug-in, which specifies the times at which the plug-in is invoked.

        Returns the "plugin-type" property definition.