Interface ExternalSaslMechanismHandlerCfg

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Configuration, SaslMechanismHandlerCfg

    public interface ExternalSaslMechanismHandlerCfg
    extends SaslMechanismHandlerCfg
    A server-side interface for querying External SASL Mechanism Handler settings.

    The External SASL Mechanism Handler performs all processing related to SASL EXTERNAL authentication.

    • Method Detail

      • addExternalChangeListener

        void addExternalChangeListener​(ConfigurationChangeListener<ExternalSaslMechanismHandlerCfg> listener)
        Register to be notified when this External SASL Mechanism Handler is changed.
        listener - The External SASL Mechanism Handler configuration change listener.
      • removeExternalChangeListener

        void removeExternalChangeListener​(ConfigurationChangeListener<ExternalSaslMechanismHandlerCfg> listener)
        Deregister an existing External SASL Mechanism Handler configuration change listener.
        listener - The External SASL Mechanism Handler configuration change listener.
      • getCertificateAttribute

        AttributeType getCertificateAttribute()
        Gets the "certificate-attribute" property.

        Specifies the name of the attribute to hold user certificates.

        This property must specify the name of a valid attribute type defined in the server schema.

        Default value: userCertificate

        Returns the value of the "certificate-attribute" property.
      • getCertificateMapper

        SortedSet<String> getCertificateMapper()
        Gets the "certificate-mapper" property.

        Specifies the name(s) of the certificate mapper(s) that should be used to match client certificates to user entries.

        Returns an unmodifiable set containing the values of the "certificate-mapper" property.
      • getCertificateMapperDns

        SortedSet<Dn> getCertificateMapperDns()
        Gets the "certificate-mapper" property as a set of DNs.

        Specifies the name(s) of the certificate mapper(s) that should be used to match client certificates to user entries.

        Returns the DN values of the "certificate-mapper" property.
      • getCertificateValidationPolicy

        ExternalSaslMechanismHandlerCfgDefn.CertificateValidationPolicy getCertificateValidationPolicy()
        Gets the "certificate-validation-policy" property.

        Indicates whether to attempt to validate the peer certificate against a certificate held in the user's entry.

        Returns the value of the "certificate-validation-policy" property.
      • getJavaClass

        String getJavaClass()
        Gets the "java-class" property.

        Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the SASL mechanism handler implementation.

        Default value: org.opends.server.extensions.ExternalSASLMechanismHandler

        Specified by:
        getJavaClass in interface SaslMechanismHandlerCfg
        Returns the value of the "java-class" property.