Class SecretReference<T extends Secret>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of secret that this reference stores.

    public final class SecretReference<T extends Secret>
    extends Object
    A long-lived reference to an active or named secret. The secret will be transparently refreshed as required by the lease expiry on the secret object.

    A secret reference is thread-safe.

    See Also:
    Creating a SecretReference from a SecretsProvider.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public T get()
              throws NoSuchSecretException
        Gets the current active secret object, refreshing it if necessary. This will block until the secret is available.
        the active secret for the configured purpose.
        NoSuchSecretException - if no active secret is available for the configured purpose.
      • getAsync

        public Promise<T,​NoSuchSecretException> getAsync()
        Gets the current active secret object asynchronously, refreshing it if necessary.
        a promise for the current active secret.
      • refresh

        public SecretReference<T> refresh()
        Force the refresh of the secret reference.
      • constant

        public static <T extends SecretSecretReference<T> constant​(T secret)
        Create a constant SecretReference for the given secret, that will never expire. This should only be used to support existing use cases that require secrets to be created outside a secrets store. New use cases should make use of the SecretsProvider.useSpecificSecretForPurpose(org.forgerock.secrets.Purpose<S>, S) method.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the secret.
        secret - The secret.
        The constant reference.
      • named

        public static <T extends SecretSecretReference<T> named​(SecretsProvider secretsProvider,
                                                                  Purpose<T> purpose,
                                                                  String name,
                                                                  Clock clock)
        Creates a reference to a named secret using the given secrets provider. The reference will cache the named secret according to the lease expiry time. When the secret is no longer considered valid then the reference will throw NoSuchSecretExceptions.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of secret.
        secretsProvider - the secrets provider.
        purpose - the purpose.
        name - the name of the secret.
        clock - the clock to use to detect expiry.
        a reference to the given named secret that will automatically update.
      • active

        public static <T extends SecretSecretReference<T> active​(SecretsProvider secretsProvider,
                                                                   Purpose<T> purpose,
                                                                   Clock clock)
        Creates a reference to the active secret for the given purpose using the given secrets provider. The reference will cache the active secret according to the lease expiry time. When the secret expires the new active secret will be retrieved (which may be different to the previous value).
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of secret.
        secretsProvider - the secrets provider.
        purpose - the purpose.
        clock - the clock to use to detect expiry.
        a reference to the given active secret that will automatically update.