Class AuthenticationPolicyState

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AuthenticationPolicyState
    extends Object
    The authentication policy context associated with a user's entry, which is responsible for managing the user's account, their password, as well as authenticating the user.
    • Field Detail

      • isDisabled

        protected ConditionResult isDisabled
        A boolean indicating whether the account associated with this authentication state has been administratively disabled.
      • userEntry

        protected final Entry userEntry
        The user entry associated with this authentication policy state.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthenticationPolicyState

        protected AuthenticationPolicyState​(Entry userEntry)
        Creates a new abstract authentication policy context.
        userEntry - The user's entry.
    • Method Detail

      • getBoolean

        protected static ConditionResult getBoolean​(Entry entry,
                                                    String attributeName)
                                             throws LdapException
        A utility method which may be used by implementations in order to obtain the value of the specified attribute from the provided entry as a boolean.
        entry - The entry whose attribute is to be parsed as a boolean.
        attributeName - The attribute name whose value should be parsed as a boolean.
        The attribute's value represented as a ConditionResult value, or ConditionResult.UNDEFINED if the specified attribute does not exist in the entry.
        LdapException - If the value cannot be decoded as a boolean.
      • getGeneralizedTime

        protected static long getGeneralizedTime​(Entry entry,
                                                 AttributeDescription attrDesc)
                                          throws LdapException
        A utility method which may be used by implementations in order to obtain the value of the specified attribute from the provided entry as a time in generalized time format.
        entry - The entry whose attribute is to be parsed as a boolean.
        attrDesc - The attribute description whose value should be parsed as a generalized time value.
        The requested time, or -1 if it could not be determined.
        LdapException - If a problem occurs while attempting to decode the value as a generalized time.
      • finalizeStateAfterBind

        public void finalizeStateAfterBind()
                                    throws LdapException
        Performs any finalization required after a bind operation has completed. Implementations may perform internal operations in order to persist internal state to the user's entry if needed.
        LdapException - If a problem occurs during finalization.
      • getAuthenticationPolicy

        public abstract AuthenticationPolicy getAuthenticationPolicy()
        Returns the authentication policy associated with this state.
        The authentication policy associated with this state.
      • isDisabled

        public boolean isDisabled()
        Returns true if this authentication policy state is associated with a user whose account has been administratively disabled.

        The default implementation is use the value of the "ds-pwp-account-disable" attribute in the user's entry.

        true if this authentication policy state is associated with a user whose account has been administratively disabled.
      • passwordMatches

        public abstract boolean passwordMatches​(ByteString password,
                                                AtomicReference<ByteString> matchedEncodedPassword)
                                         throws LdapException
        Returns true if the provided password value matches any of the user's passwords.
        password - The user-provided password to verify.
        matchedEncodedPassword - If true is returned, the matching stored password may be returned.
        true if the provided password value matches any of the user's passwords.
        LdapException - If verification unexpectedly failed.
      • passwordMatches

        public boolean passwordMatches​(ByteString password)
                                throws LdapException
        Returns true if the provided password value matches any of the user's passwords.
        password - The user-provided password to verify.
        true if the provided password value matches any of the user's passwords.
        LdapException - If verification unexpectedly failed.