Class IndexedAttributesChecks

  • public final class IndexedAttributesChecks
    extends Object
    Utility class that checks whether attributes indexed.
    • Method Detail

      • checkAllAttributesAreIndexedForEquality

        public static void checkAllAttributesAreIndexedForEquality​(Dn cfgDn,
                                                                   Set<Dn> cfgBaseDNs,
                                                                   Collection<AttributeType> attrTypes,
                                                                   LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> notIndexedMsg,
                                                                   ConfigChangeResult ccr,
                                                                   BackendConfigManager backendConfigManager)
        Checks whether all the attribute types are indexed for equality.
        cfgDn - the configuration DN
        cfgBaseDNs - the base DNs to check
        attrTypes - the attribute types to check
        notIndexedMsg - the message to use for unindexed attribute types
        backendConfigManager - the backend config manager
        ccr - where to store the results
      • checkAllAttributesAreIndexedForExtensibleMatchingRule

        public static void checkAllAttributesAreIndexedForExtensibleMatchingRule​(Dn cfgDn,
                                                                                 Set<Dn> cfgBaseDNs,
                                                                                 Collection<AttributeType> attrTypes,
                                                                                 MatchingRule matchingRule,
                                                                                 LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg4<Object,​Object,​Object,​Object> notIndexedMsg,
                                                                                 ConfigChangeResult ccr,
                                                                                 BackendConfigManager backendConfigManager)
        Checks whether all attribute types are indexed for a given matching rule.
        cfgDn - the configuration DN
        cfgBaseDNs - the base DNs to check
        attrTypes - the attribute types to check
        matchingRule - the matching rule to check
        notIndexedMsg - the message to use for unindexed attribute types
        backendConfigManager - the backend config manager
        ccr - where to store the results
      • getBaseDns

        public static Set<Dn> getBaseDns​(Set<Dn> baseDns,
                                         BackendConfigManager backendConfigManager)
        If we have an explicit set of base DNs, then use it. Otherwise, use the set of public naming contexts in the server.
        baseDns - the provided base DNs
        backendConfigManager - the backend config manager
        the provided base DNs if they are not empty, or the public naming contexts