Class PrometheusHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class PrometheusHandler extends Object implements org.forgerock.http.Handler
An HTTP Handler from which Prometheus and OpenTelemetry Collector can scrape monitoring information.
  • Field Details


      public static final List<String> SUPPORTED_HTTP_METHODS
      List of HTTP methods supported by a Prometheus Handler.
  • Method Details

    • prometheusHandler

      public static PrometheusHandler prometheusHandler(String metricPrefix, Supplier<MeterRegistry> meterRegistrySupplier)
      Returns a new Prometheus Handler configured to use the legacy output format. Note: this method is deprecated. Callers should use prometheusHandler(String, Supplier, BooleanSupplier) instead
      metricPrefix - The prefix that will be prepended before each metric. Ideally this will be the product specific prefix.
      meterRegistrySupplier - A Supplier of the MetricRegistry which will be used to collect metrics to include in HTTP response sent by this PrometheusHandler.
      a new PrometheusHandler
    • prometheusHandler

      public static PrometheusHandler prometheusHandler(String metricPrefix, Supplier<MeterRegistry> meterRegistrySupplier, BooleanSupplier compliantOutputFormat)
      Returns a new Prometheus Handler which can be switched to use different output formats.
      metricPrefix - The prefix that will be prepended before each metric. Ideally this will be the product specific prefix.
      meterRegistrySupplier - A Supplier of the MetricRegistry which will be used to collect metrics to include in HTTP response sent by this PrometheusHandler.
      compliantOutputFormat - Returns a boolean used to switch the prometheus handler output format from compliant (if true) to legacy (if false)
      a new PrometheusHandler
    • handle

      public Promise<org.forgerock.http.protocol.Response,NeverThrowsException> handle( context, org.forgerock.http.protocol.Request request)
      Specified by:
      handle in interface org.forgerock.http.Handler