Class GenericConstraint


public final class GenericConstraint extends Constraint
A generic constraint which comprises of an underlying condition and a description. The condition must evaluate to true in order for a new managed object to be created or modified.
  • Constructor Details

    • GenericConstraint

      public GenericConstraint(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,?> definition, int id, Condition condition)
      Creates a new generic constraint.
      definition - The managed object definition associated with this constraint.
      id - The constraint ID.
      condition - The condition associated with this constraint.
  • Method Details

    • getClientConstraintHandlers

      public Collection<ClientConstraintHandler> getClientConstraintHandlers()
      Description copied from class: Constraint
      Gets the client-side constraint handlers which will be used to enforce this constraint in client applications. The default implementation is to return an empty set of client constraint handlers.
      getClientConstraintHandlers in class Constraint
      Returns the client-side constraint handlers which will be used to enforce this constraint in client applications. The returned collection must not be null but maybe empty (indicating that the constraint can only be enforced on the server-side).
    • getServerConstraintHandlers

      public Collection<ServerConstraintHandler> getServerConstraintHandlers()
      Description copied from class: Constraint
      Gets the server-side constraint handlers which will be used to enforce this constraint within the server. The default implementation is to return an empty set of server constraint handlers.
      getServerConstraintHandlers in class Constraint
      Returns the server-side constraint handlers which will be used to enforce this constraint within the server. The returned collection must not be null and must not be empty, since constraints must always be enforced on the server.
    • getSynopsis

      public LocalizableMessage getSynopsis()
      Gets the synopsis of this constraint in the default locale.
      Returns the synopsis of this constraint in the default locale.
    • getSynopsis

      public LocalizableMessage getSynopsis(Locale locale)
      Gets the synopsis of this constraint in the specified locale.
      locale - The locale.
      Returns the synopsis of this constraint in the specified locale.
    • initialize

      protected void initialize() throws Exception
      Description copied from class: Constraint
      Initializes this constraint. The default implementation is to do nothing.
      initialize in class Constraint
      Exception - If this constraint could not be initialized.