Class AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C extends ConfigurationClient,S extends Configuration>

Type Parameters:
C - The type of client managed object configuration that this definition represents.
S - The type of server managed object configuration that this definition represents.
Direct Known Subclasses:
AuthenticationPolicyCfgDefn, CommonAuditAccessLogPublisherCfgDefn, HttpAuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn, HttpOauth2AuthorizationMechanismCfgDefn, LocalBackendCfgDefn, LogPublisherCfgDefn, ManagedObjectDefinition, PluggableBackendCfgDefn, TopCfgDefn

public abstract class AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C extends ConfigurationClient,S extends Configuration> extends Object
Defines the structure of an abstract managed object. Abstract managed objects cannot be instantiated.

Applications can query a managed object definition in order to determine the overall configuration model of an application.

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractManagedObjectDefinition

      protected AbstractManagedObjectDefinition(String name, AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<? super C,? super S> parent)
      Create a new abstract managed object definition.
      name - The name of the definition.
      parent - The parent definition, or null if there is no parent (only the TopCfgDefn should have a null parent, unless the definition is being used for testing).
  • Method Details

    • getDeprecated

      public final Deprecated getDeprecated()
      Returns deprecation information about this managed object if it is deprecated, otherwise null.
      Deprecation information about this managed object if it is deprecated.
    • getAllChildren

      public final Collection<AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<? extends C,? extends S>> getAllChildren()
      Get all the child managed object definitions which inherit from this managed object definition.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing all the subordinate managed object definitions which inherit from this managed object definition.
    • getAllConstraints

      public final Collection<Constraint> getAllConstraints()
      Get all the constraints associated with this type of managed object. The returned collection will contain inherited constraints.
      Returns a collection containing all the constraints associated with this type of managed object. The caller is free to modify the collection if required.
    • getAllPropertyDefinitions

      public final Collection<PropertyDefinition<?>> getAllPropertyDefinitions()
      Get all the property definitions associated with this type of managed object. The returned collection will contain inherited property definitions.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing all the property definitions associated with this type of managed object.
    • getAllRelationDefinitions

      public final Collection<RelationDefinition<?,?>> getAllRelationDefinitions()
      Get all the relation definitions associated with this type of managed object. The returned collection will contain inherited relation definitions.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing all the relation definitions associated with this type of managed object.
    • getAllReverseRelationDefinitions

      public final Collection<RelationDefinition<? super C,? super S>> getAllReverseRelationDefinitions()
      Get all the relation definitions which refer to this managed object definition. The returned collection will contain relation definitions which refer to parents of this managed object definition.
      Returns a collection containing all the relation definitions which refer to this managed object definition. The caller is free to modify the collection if required.
    • getAllAggregationPropertyDefinitions

      public final Collection<AggregationPropertyDefinition<?,?>> getAllAggregationPropertyDefinitions()
      Get all the aggregation property definitions associated with this type of managed object. The returned collection will contain inherited aggregation property definitions.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing all the aggregation property definitions associated with this type of managed object.
    • getAllTags

      public final Collection<Tag> getAllTags()
      Get all the tags associated with this type of managed object. The returned collection will contain inherited tags.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing all the tags associated with this type of managed object.
    • getChild

      public final AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<? extends C,? extends S> getChild(String name)
      Get the named child managed object definition which inherits from this managed object definition. This method will recursively search down through the inheritance hierarchy.
      name - The name of the managed object definition sub-type.
      Returns the named child managed object definition which inherits from this managed object definition.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the specified managed object definition name was null or empty or if the requested subordinate managed object definition was not found.
    • getChildren

      public final Collection<AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<? extends C,? extends S>> getChildren()
      Get the child managed object definitions which inherit directly from this managed object definition.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing the subordinate managed object definitions which inherit directly from this managed object definition.
    • getConstraints

      public final Collection<Constraint> getConstraints()
      Get the constraints defined by this managed object definition. The returned collection will not contain inherited constraints.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing the constraints defined by this managed object definition.
    • getDescription

      public final LocalizableMessage getDescription()
      Gets the optional description of this managed object definition in the default locale.
      Returns the description of this managed object definition in the default locale, or null if there is no description.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • getDescription

      public final LocalizableMessage getDescription(Locale locale)
      Gets the optional description of this managed object definition in the specified locale.
      locale - The locale.
      Returns the description of this managed object definition in the specified locale, or null if there is no description.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • getName

      public final String getName()
      Get the name of the definition.
      Returns the name of the definition.
    • getParent

      public final AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<? super C,? super S> getParent()
      Get the parent managed object definition, if applicable.
      Returns the parent of this managed object definition, or null if this definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • getPropertyDefinition

      public final PropertyDefinition<?> getPropertyDefinition(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Get the specified property definition associated with this type of managed object. The search will include any inherited property definitions.
      name - The name of the property definition to be retrieved.
      Returns the specified property definition associated with this type of managed object.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the specified property name was null or empty or if the requested property definition was not found.
    • getPropertyDefinitions

      public final Collection<PropertyDefinition<?>> getPropertyDefinitions()
      Get the property definitions defined by this managed object definition. The returned collection will not contain inherited property definitions.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing the property definitions defined by this managed object definition.
    • getRelationDefinition

      public final RelationDefinition<?,?> getRelationDefinition(String name)
      Get the specified relation definition associated with this type of managed object.The search will include any inherited relation definitions.
      name - The name of the relation definition to be retrieved.
      Returns the specified relation definition associated with this type of managed object.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the specified relation name was null or empty or if the requested relation definition was not found.
    • getRelationDefinitions

      public final Collection<RelationDefinition<?,?>> getRelationDefinitions()
      Get the relation definitions defined by this managed object definition. The returned collection will not contain inherited relation definitions.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing the relation definitions defined by this managed object definition.
    • getReverseRelationDefinitions

      public final Collection<RelationDefinition<C,S>> getReverseRelationDefinitions()
      Get the relation definitions which refer directly to this managed object definition. The returned collection will not contain relation definitions which refer to parents of this managed object definition.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing the relation definitions which refer directly to this managed object definition.
    • getAggregationPropertyDefinitions

      public final Collection<AggregationPropertyDefinition<?,?>> getAggregationPropertyDefinitions()
      Get the aggregation property definitions defined by this managed object definition. The returned collection will not contain inherited aggregation property definitions.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing the aggregation property definitions defined by this managed object definition.
    • getReverseAggregationPropertyDefinitions

      public final Collection<AggregationPropertyDefinition<?,?>> getReverseAggregationPropertyDefinitions()
      Get the aggregation property definitions which refer directly to this managed object definition. The returned collection will not contain aggregation property definitions which refer to parents of this managed object definition.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection containing the aggregation property definitions which refer directly to this managed object definition.
    • getSynopsis

      public final LocalizableMessage getSynopsis()
      Gets the synopsis of this managed object definition in the default locale.
      Returns the synopsis of this managed object definition in the default locale.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • getSynopsis

      public final LocalizableMessage getSynopsis(Locale locale)
      Gets the synopsis of this managed object definition in the specified locale.
      locale - The locale.
      Returns the synopsis of this managed object definition in the specified locale.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • getUserFriendlyName

      public final LocalizableMessage getUserFriendlyName()
      Gets the user-friendly name of this managed object definition in the default locale.
      Returns the user-friendly name of this managed object definition in the default locale.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • getUserFriendlyName

      public final LocalizableMessage getUserFriendlyName(Locale locale)
      Gets the user-friendly name of this managed object definition in the specified locale.
      locale - The locale.
      Returns the user-friendly name of this managed object definition in the specified locale.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • getUserFriendlyPluralName

      public final LocalizableMessage getUserFriendlyPluralName()
      Gets the user-friendly plural name of this managed object definition in the default locale.
      Returns the user-friendly plural name of this managed object definition in the default locale.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • getUserFriendlyPluralName

      public final LocalizableMessage getUserFriendlyPluralName(Locale locale)
      Gets the user-friendly plural name of this managed object definition in the specified locale.
      locale - The locale.
      Returns the user-friendly plural name of this managed object definition in the specified locale.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • hasChildren

      public final boolean hasChildren()
      Determine whether there are any child managed object definitions which inherit from this managed object definition.
      Returns true if this type of managed object has any child managed object definitions, false otherwise.
    • hasOption

      public final boolean hasOption(ManagedObjectOption option)
      Determines whether this managed object definition has the specified option.
      option - The option to test.
      Returns true if the option is set, or false otherwise.
    • hasTag

      public final boolean hasTag(Tag t)
      Determines whether this managed object definition has the specified tag.
      t - The tag definition.
      Returns true if this managed object definition has the specified tag.
    • isChildOf

      public final boolean isChildOf(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,?> d)
      Determines whether this managed object definition is a sub-type of the provided managed object definition. This managed object definition is a sub-type of the provided managed object definition if they are both the same or if the provided managed object definition can be obtained by recursive invocations of the getParent() method.
      d - The managed object definition to be checked.
      Returns true if this managed object definition is a sub-type of the provided managed object definition.
    • isParentOf

      public final boolean isParentOf(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,?> d)
      Determines whether this managed object definition is a super-type of the provided managed object definition. This managed object definition is a super-type of the provided managed object definition if they are both the same or if the provided managed object definition is a member of the set of children returned from getAllChildren().
      d - The managed object definition to be checked.
      Returns true if this managed object definition is a super-type of the provided managed object definition.
    • isTop

      public final boolean isTop()
      Determines whether this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
      Returns true if this managed object definition is the TopCfgDefn.
    • resolveManagedObjectDefinition

      public final ManagedObjectDefinition<? extends C,? extends S> resolveManagedObjectDefinition(DefinitionResolver r) throws DefinitionDecodingException
      Finds a sub-type of this managed object definition which most closely corresponds to the matching criteria of the provided definition resolver.
      r - The definition resolver.
      Returns the sub-type of this managed object definition which most closely corresponds to the matching criteria of the provided definition resolver.
      DefinitionDecodingException - If no matching sub-type could be found or if the resolved definition was abstract.
      See Also:
    • toString

      public final String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toString

      public final void toString(StringBuilder builder)
      Append a string representation of the managed object definition to the provided string builder.
      builder - The string builder where the string representation should be appended.
    • initialize

      protected final void initialize() throws Exception
      Initializes all the components associated with this managed object definition.
      Exception - If this managed object definition could not be initialized.
    • registerDeprecated

      protected final void registerDeprecated(Deprecated deprecated)
      Register a deprecation with this managed object definition.

      This method must not be called by applications.

      deprecated - The deprecated to be registered.
    • registerConstraint

      protected final void registerConstraint(Constraint constraint)
      Register a constraint with this managed object definition.

      This method must not be called by applications.

      constraint - The constraint to be registered.
    • registerPropertyDefinition

      protected final void registerPropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition<?> d)
      Register a property definition with this managed object definition, overriding any existing property definition with the same name.

      This method must not be called by applications.

      d - The property definition to be registered.
    • registerRelationDefinition

      protected final void registerRelationDefinition(RelationDefinition<?,?> d)
      Register a relation definition with this managed object definition, overriding any existing relation definition with the same name.

      This method must not be called by applications.

      d - The relation definition to be registered.
    • registerOption

      protected final void registerOption(ManagedObjectOption option)
      Register an option with this managed object definition.

      This method must not be called by applications.

      option - The option to be registered.
    • registerTag

      protected final void registerTag(Tag tag)
      Register a tag with this managed object definition.

      This method must not be called by applications.

      tag - The tag to be registered.